Chapter 2

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Lace picked out everything I needed so that it completely matched all of her stuff. As much as I wanted a simple decor, she insisted on going all out. I protested against getting a flower bed spread, similar to hers, but she pratically forced me to get it.

As much as Lace is peppy and demanding, it's nice to her have her around. I haven't had an actual girl friend in forever. I screwed all my friends over, became someone they didn't know and even I didn't know.

Lace was even planning on paying for the cart full of items but I couldn't let her be that nice to me. I'm thankful that I was smart enough to start a savings account and save every penny I earned. I haven't even touched the money that she left me, it didn't feel right spending her money. I really need to get a job soon so my savings wont be completely empty.

Lace is quite the talker. She pretty much told me everything about her life; she lived in Indiana, her parents got divorced when she was seven, she lived with her mom, stepdad and three younger sisters, wants to major in political science, and often mentioned that she loves pink.

She glamourized the fact that UMICH has the best parties and we will be attending all of them. I just nodded and kept silent, knowing that is not going to happen but I didn't want to bring her mood down.

Lace spent hours perfecting our room, she turned my dull side of the room into something almost as vibrant as her side. I was kinda happy with how it turned out, I've never had a room that looked so good.

When Lace went to the showers, I took this time to go out and explore the campus. The hallways of our dorm building were filled with busy movers who were rushing in and out of their rooms, grabbing as much stuff as they could. Parents held a melancholy look on their face as they waved goodbye to their kid, only hoping for the best for them. I wish I had parents that would be tearful while dropping me off at college, waving their last goodbyes ,but I don't have that. I never will have that experience for anything.


I can't go back into those thoughts again. I am here to move on and forget about everything. If I continue to let myself back into those thoughts then it will be just like before and I will be left alone. Again.

With all this thinking I seemed to have walked outside into the Michigan air. The sun was starting to set and I could start to feel the cool Michigan air wrap around me. It was only late September and yet it feels colder.

I walked along the corridors and spotted a bench in a secluded area lined with multiple trees and bushes.

I walked over to the garden area and sat there for a couple of minutes. I was instantly addicted to the feeling of relaxation. This place was just like the one at home, only better because it's not there. Its here, where its even farther away. This is my safe haven. Here I dont have to think about anything and its so secluded and empty that no one can bother me.

I take a couple of minutes to remind myself of my surroundings and I gently open my eyes to see a dark figure in front of me.

I gasp and hope that he would say something, but he doesn't, he just stares at me. I couldn't read his expression, I don't know whether he was pissed off that I was here or glad.

I stare back with the same expression and as soon as he reaches my gaze he looks away .

"You shouldn't be here" he whispers.

"Why not?" I reply my voice slightly louder than his.

"Because this is my spot. Not yours." He says calmly and plasters a cocky expression on his face.

"Well I'm sorry but I don't see a plaque here with your name on it. I believe this is a public area that belongs to the University." I reply back with a little too muchattitude.

Who was he to tell me I couldn't be here? This wasn't his place it was everyones, although I desperately wanted it to be my place and my place only.

He sighed and disappeared back where he came from.

I was left there confused on this mysterious boy. I suddenly wanted to know more about him. Like why he was so territorial over this place and why he was so rude. I only saw a glimpse of him but I noticed he was wearing a blue beanie that pushed all of his dark hair back.

It started to get dark so I headed back to the dorm and saw that Lace had company in our room.

"Oh Charlie! Come meet my friends. They live down the hall. This is Liv." She says pointing to the unatural purple haired girl.

"And this is Blake." She says pointing to the dark haired,tanned skin girl sitting in the corner.

"Oh it's so nice to meet you! I hope we can hang out or something yeah? That would be fun." Liv says shaking her hand with mine.

I smile at her and then went along to Blake who was sitting on the bed uninterested in what we were talking about.

She looked up and I gave a small smile in her direction but she simply ignored it and acted as if she didnt see it.

Liv was clearly the friendlier one here. This Blake girl confused me. How could someone like her hang out with someone so bright and outgoing like Liv. And yet shes probably wondering the same thing about me and why I'm friends with the oh so charming Lace.

Blake and I were similar in a way. Although she was far more beautiful than me, she was dark on the outside which was how I feel on the inside. On the outside I put on a fake smile and acted far different to how I was feeling inside. Blake expressed her emotions better than me and in a way I admired her.

"Well I'm off" Blake finally spoke, breaking Liv and Lace from their debate about shoes.

As she exited our room I saw the same dark figure from the garden leaning against the wall from us. Except he was much taller and had forrest green eyes. He looked intimidating and I knew that I shouldn't get on this guys nerves.He caught me examining him and I looked away, embarrassed at myself for even staring at him in the first place.

Blake walked down the hall and the boy with the blue beanie followed her.

A/N: who could the blue beanie boy be ;) I am so excited for this story so I hope you will continue along with me. please vote/comment/follow and spread the word ! I would love to get more people interested . There will be alot of twists and turns. thankssss :)

follow my twitter its new and I have like no followers @stylesandme01 (I follow back)

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