Chapter 4

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I walk around the streets, escaping that party as fast I could. The alcohol in my system makes me unaware of where I am. I decide to sit at a bus bench and hope that I can sober up enough to try and figure out my location.

Another night, another party, where I can hide away from my problems. I promised myself I would stop doing this to myself but tonight was another bad night. I kept thinking of her smile and laugh and the way she used to comfort me in everyway. I miss her so much. God I need another drink. If I drink enough all she becomes is a blurred figure in the back of my mind.

"You need a ride?" A voice coming from a black car says.

"C'mon get in. It's about to rain and you wouldnt want to get wet now would you?"

I never under any circumstances would get into a car with a stranger but my mind is so jumbled that I just got in and told him where to take me.

"So what were you doing out there alone?" He asks trying to make conversation.

"I walked from a party." I say blatantly.

"Was it the one down by Maywood Rd?"


" That must have been a far walk. I just came from there. It was kinda a bust wasn't it?"

"Sure." I don't really care about talking to him but I feel bad because he is trying to be nice.

"I mean it was alright. I just didn't feel like sticking around any longer." I lie.

I left so I could get away from the guys that were constantly putting their hands on me. I told them to stop but they didn't listen and instead one of them brought me up to a room where I did my usual duty. My mind always tells me to stop but alcohol is the best way to ignore those thoughts. I get called a slut too many times for it to even bother me.

We made more small talk until we reached my house. He talked about these two guys at the party, who had way too much to drink, fell and blacked out. He got out of there quickly before someone called for an ambulance and things got messy.

"It's a nice house you have..?" He says hinting for my name.


"It's a nice house you have Charlie. And a beautiful name might I had." He flirts.

"I would say the same to you." I reply back.

"I'm Trey." He says taking out his hand and shaking it with mine.

"Now that we know eachothers names, Charlie, we should go out sometime" He says still holding on to my hand.

Something about his warm hand stirred something inside of me.

I wake up, drenched in sweat, searching everywhere for my phone so I can check the time. 7:02. I might as well get up now and shower off that nightmare.

It wasn't just a nightmare, that actually happened. Everything about it felt so real. I felt like I was reliving that night all over again.

I could feel his touch and even see the smile that was on his face.

I turn off the shower water and shake the thoughts from my head. I try to get dressed as quickly as I can but my hand is shaking so much that I can't even zip up my pants. I feel it coming, I have to get out of here before I have a breakdown in here.

I go to the only place I know that can calm me down. I practically run to the garden with tears streaming down my face.

I sit at the bench and breathe in and out, trying to calm myself down. I look around the garden and admire the trees and flowers around me, everything is so beautiful I can't help but stare. Finally after a couple of minutes, I am calm. My hair will probably turn into a frizzy mess because of the cold air on my wet hair, but I don't care.

Birds are flying in and out of trees chirping loudly, making me smile at their beauty. Everything about nature calms me. Even if it's as simple as a honeybee gathering nectar from a flower, it still never siezes to amaze me.

I was too lost in the sights of nature to notice the gathering footsteps approaching me.

"I thought I told you to not come here anymore" Harry's voice says from behind me and I jump to my feet.

"I thought I told you that this place isn't yours to tell me where or where not to go." I spit back.

He stays silent and looks at me.

"Why do you come here?" He asks a bit too harshly.

"Why do you come here?" I challenge.

It's true why does he come here? What is so important about this place that he makes me stay away from it. Does he hide something here? Or maybe he meets people here? I hope I'm not about to witness a drug deal or something but then again I shouldn't jump to conclusions.

"Because this is my place where I come to get away from people like you." Ouch.

"People like me? There is no need to be rude to me I have done nothing wrong. I will come here if I want to come here. End of story."

"Fine." he says and I feel proud of myself for standing my ground.

The air is awkward as Harry walks toward me and takes a seat at the bench. He closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath. The frown on his face tells me he must be thinking of something that bothers him. I stare at him more taking in his features. I would be lying to myself If I said he wasn't attractive but I shove that thought down.

"Can I help you?" he peeks his right eye open to look at me.

I turn away quickly and hope he didn't see me examining his whole face.

"I-No" I stumble, ashamed at myself for letting my nerves get to me.

"Good. Then I'd appreciate it if you would stop staring at me while I am trying to clear my head." He closes both of his eyes and crosses his arms.

"I- I wasn't staring."

"Whatever you say." He says with a light smirk on his face.

I decide it would be best if I just left before he says anything else to me.

By the time I reach my first class I realize that I am almost late. I hadn't realized how much time had passed at the garden but I am relieved when I see that the professor has not arrived in class.

I take a seat next to Lace. She asks me where I have been all morning and I lie, telling her I got up early to go for a run and check out the library. I hate having math as my first class. I just hate math in general. I can never fully pay attention and I don't even understand what is happening most of the time.

The class ends and me and Lace bolt out of the door. We came to a mutual agreement that we absolutely despise math.

"God that class is so boring. I could barely keep my eyes open!" Lace exclaims.

"I know. Professor Adam's voice makes me fall asleep." I laugh.

We continue to walk and talk about our hatred for math when I spot Harry and Blake talking at the end of the hall. I hoped Lace wouldn't say anything so we could avoid confrontation. Things were so weird this morning and it would be awkward to face Harry.

I try to walk quickly so Lace would not notice them. Lace seems to not see them and I silently pray that Blake won't see me.

As we walk by, Harry whispers quietly to Blake just loud enough for me to make out one part of it.

"Why did you invite her?"

A million questions raise in my head as I walk out the doors and into my next class.

A/N: Please vote!! it would mean alot.

I posted another chapter because I cant seem to stop writing and I want the story to get going.

So yay we saw a bit of Charlie's past but the question is.. who is this Harry kid?

Okay please vote and comment or whatever it would mean alot. I'm sorry if I'm annoying but I hate to see something I have written and taken time on to not get any attention. I also would love to know what you all think .

love, B

follow my twitter~ @stylesandme01

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