Chapter 20

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"What the hell?" I say looking at my now frozen hand. I glance down at the floor where the trail of dripping came from and see a melted ice pack.

"We put that in your hand so you would stay awake. I dont know I saw it on t.v somewhere it's probably not true." Zayn says picking it up and throwing it away. 

"Charlie are you okay?" Blake asks coming over to the couch to give me a huge hug.

I look over her shoulders to see Harry's angry scowl. 

"No I'm not. All of the sudden I was fine and listening to the band but then it was like I couldn't control my own body. What the hell happened out there?" I say demanding answers.

"Ow." I clutch my head in hopes to stop the shooting pain coming right to the center of my forehead.

"What is it?" Blake asks holding onto my arms. Harry has yet to say anything to me, the only thing he's done is stare at me like this was all my fault.

"My head really hurts.I-I really just need to lay down." I say quietly as the pain increases. I attempt to lay down on the arm of the couch but Harry is blocking it. At this moment I really dont care about what I lay down on, all I know is that I need to put my head on a soft surface before it explodes from pain. I look at Harry quickly before laying on his lap. He looks at me as if I have two heads but doesn't seem to mind, even though he still hasn't said anything at all since I woke up.

"So is anyone going to tell me what happened?" This time I look directly at Harry so I know this time he can't escape my question.

"You were drugged" He says through gritted teeth.

"What!" I quickly sit up and remember the familiar shooting pain that has returned to my head,"Ow. Drugged? By who?" Harry moves off the couch so I have it all to myself, he paces back in front of me and bends down to meet my eye level. Out of nowhere he pushes hair away from my face and traces the outline of my face. He realizes what he is doing and retreats back to sit criss crossed in front of me.

"We don't know who but I swear to God when I do-" Harry shakes his head as he attempts to finish his threat to my anonymous drugger.

"Harry." Zayn interrupts, "It had to be when you weren't looking or something. It wasn't a harmful drug so don't worry it was just a light sedative to relax your muscles." He explains.

"But I had my drink with me the whole time. I never put it down or anything. I picked it up from the bar and that's all." How the hell could someone drug me when I had eyes on it the whole time?

"The fucking bartender" Harry shouts and quickly gets up and tries to scramble out the door. Luckily Liam, Louis and Niall came in to stop him before he did something stupid.

"Woah, woah where you going?" Niall says pushing Harry's chest.

"That fucking bastard drugged her!" Harry yells and points in my direction.

"Who is it?!" Louis says enthusiastically like he's ready to go find this guy and beat him up with Harry.

"The bartender. Now let me go and beat his ass."  Harry says ripping away from Niall's arms.

"Wait Harry that's not a good idea." Zayn says crossing in front of the doorway to block his walkway.

"Why the hell not? You want him to get away with what he did to her?" Harry says again pointing to me as if I was an innocent puppy.

"I'm fine." I blurt out.

"No you're not. You always say you're fine but you're not! You can't pretend to be okay all the time!" He yells walking closer to me.

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