"I will warn you, when we get to Sicily I will act differently. I will be more harsh and cold."

I sniffled, "Why are you telling me this?"

Noah sighed, "Because, most of my fathers men hate the Russians and I need to pretend like I hate them too. So-"

I cut him off, "-Great, so I'm going to be humilaited and mocked in front of people who don't know me in a language that is not my first but one I understand nevertheless." Noah nodded,

"Knowing Italian will get you some good points, but I'm afraid that until I take over, I can't really do or say anything."

I honestly could have slapped him. Not only was I forced to marry the man but also deal with him expecting me to take the insults and hatred thrown at me because of my blood.

Hell no! If he thinks that I'm just going to sit around and take it he has another thing coming. My mother and father did not raise me to be like that, I was ready to fight because I wanted to be there even less than they wanted me there.

I had to plan, I had to scheme. "I'm just going to go to sleep." I said softly as we hit the highway. New York traffic was anything but kind so I knew that we'd be stuck there for a while.

Noah smiled briefly at me and then diverted his gaze to the world outside the window which was currently sky scrapers and modern looking office buildings that towered like giants.

I closed my eyes, resting my head slightly to my side.


Sicily is objectively beautiful. Everything from the beautiful mediterranean style of architecture to the weather ensured its appeal. But this was no holiday. I was not sightseeing. In fact quite the opposite, I was blindfolded in the back of the SUV as Noah sat in the front chatting to the driver in a new ending flow of Italian that I was attempting to and miserably failing at translating.

The car ground to a slow stop. The conversation slowed to a natural stop and then I heard the doors open. When Noah finally undid the blindfold I glared at him. I was fucking furious. This was how it was going to be. It was a game and I am no fucking looser I am Rose Chloe Marshall and I will make this game my bitch if it is the last thing that I do. He reached out to fix my hair and I spat on his face.

"What the fuck?" He cursed loudly in Italian. My hands darted from my side and I reached out for his neck. He gripped both my wrists tightly, like a vice and pulled me out of the car. I stumbled, landing on my knees. They scratched against the warm concrete and I would be lucky if it didn't bruise.

"I didn't think that you'd be on your knees so quickly." Noah quipped, the man to his left laughed and patted his shoulder. My gaze darted to the floor before I stood, "Play nice tesoro." he chided.

"Or what?" I spat.

"Because I can be nasty too. And you do not want to see that side of me."

I smirked, it was a lopsided, overly cocky kind of smirk, "Try me you little bitch."

He dropped my hands and then said quietly to the man next to him. "Have her escorted to the cells."

The man nodded and grabbed one of my arms and dragged me towards a building in the distance away from the main home.

I was glad to see that he was not playing around because neither was I. Mom and Dad expected to hear back from me as soon as I landed. As soon as they realised something was wrong maybe dad would call in the cavalry and get me out of here.

The building that I was led to was grimy. The walls were marked with years worth of grime, mud, blood, dirt and other things that I do not wish to think about.

Ma Reine Her King✔     (Complete) Where stories live. Discover now