"Ivory," he said, reaching his hands out to me.

"Grandpa...?" I said, taking a minute to realize who he was. Nodding his head, as if to answer my question, he grinned.

"Grandpa!" I basically shouted, jumping into him as he chuckled.


I stood there, beside Kole, watching her grandpa take her into her family hut. Tears of happiness flowed down her cheeks, caressing them sweetly. Joy, excitement, comfort, and many emotions danced in her eyes. She was back.

She really was back.

"She remembers us.." Kole whispers almost breathlessly.

"Of course," I said with tears filling my eyes. "I can't beileve I almost lost her. But now. Now she's back." I finished, leaning into my brother bear. Standing there, shoulder to shoulder, silence overcame us comfortably.

"You know what we should do?" Kole said, grinning, up to something devious.

"What?" I said, putting my hands on hips, looking up at him. Winking at me, he said "Wolf."

My eyes went wide, trying not to grin, a surprised look crossed my face.


"No. I was just playing around. There is no way I would ever take her to our pet, her favorite animal, that we secretly have. Never. That's just crazy. I have no idea what you are speaking of." He said, purposely failing at lying.

"Before we do anything, lets go see Ivory first." He sugguseted, smiling. With that said, I nodded and we took off, toward her hut practically jumping up and down.

Glancing at Kole, I noticed he was an odd boy. He always was. There's a reason why people say him and Ivory are suppose to be together. They call them moonlight lovers. Born exactly 6 full moons apart, with the stars aligned, underneath the blue moon that only happens twice a year. I've heard stories of it. Both of them. They're beautiful. All the creatures of forest surrounded the village, the paxiers swirled around both when they were born, giving a magical ability. Neither knows about it though, nor will anybody tell them. Kole has black hair, very pale skin and green eyes. Ivory, on the other hand, has light colored hair, smokey eyes that always change, and light skin that darkens fairly easily.

They found each other when they were born. They have been like brother and sister ever since, then I came alond and they picked me right up. I've watched them over the years, their feelings, their actions, the frustration, everything. Neither one would tell each other how they really feel, nor would they admit it to anybody but me.

"Violet!!" Ivory screamed from inside the entry way, hanging onto the edge to control herself.

"What? Who? Where?" I pretended to look around for 'Violet' until she attacked in an embrace that I could never forget. Stumbling backwards, we fell to the ground laughing. She was on top of me, pinning me down. I smiled up at her as we laughed until our sides hurt.


I got up, helping Violet up, offering her my hand. As the dust around us settled down, she brushed a piece of my hair back behind my ear. I smiled at her, giving her another hug, noticing movement out of the corner of my eye. Turning toward Kole, I smiled at him.

Dark hair, oddly pale skin, green eyes that reminded me of the forest. Kole.

My breath got caught in my lungs, my heart started beating faster as he pulled me into a hug.

"Ivory..." He breathed into my hair before he gave me a quick squeeze and let me go.

"I can't believe it's you!" Violet shrieked.

"My goodness," I said, twirling around, breathing in my old life.

"You have no idea how great it feels to be back. This. This was and is so much... More." I continued. "It's just..." I trailed off.

"What is it..?" Kole asked, worriedsome. 

I continued looking at the ground. Grandpa came out to take over for me.

"Come on inside, I'll explain." He said nonchantly.

"Alright," Violet said, hooking arms with me, walking inside with Kole and Grandpa trailing behind us.

We sat down on the circular mat. Grandpa got us all hot steaming bowls of stew. Food always contributed to helping explain something difficult. We sat there in silence, waiting.

"Ivory may ne back," Grandpa started. "but she isn't here to stay. She cannot stay. This is her old life. We gave her up for a reason, so she can fulfil and live. Will we ever see her again, yes. The thing is, if she were to pick this life, over her new life, she would have to die. In some way, shape or form. A part of her has to die. She cannot exist in this rhelm, if she does the other. If she exists in this rhelm, she cannot the other. It's not as complicated as you think it is. It's worse. 

This is what we were afraid of. Loved ones in both rhelms, there are. Friends and family in both. Reasons to be in both. 

It's not like 'I wanna live my old life' type thing.  There is a wrong choice. And a right choice. Nobody knows which choice is right, or wrong for the matter."

We all sat there in silence. I thought of the people here, a family I can actually call family, friends, loved ones... I thought of my 'new' life. Luke... Lydia.. Jess... Maddie... All of my 'loved' ones. Those I pushed away, those who "I don't need" anymore.

"I know this is a lot to take in," Grandpa said. "but doing anything abnormal to influence her decision could cause problems. If she picks the wrong choice, she's dead. In both rhelms. This is something she's going to have to take her time with. She has 2 Full Moons to decide before she's stuck with one or other. Depending on the situations, she'll be switching back and forth. It gets very complicated. One moon here, could equal four there..." He said indirectly toward me, then he started to clean up, obviously done.

I stood up and made my way out with Violet and Kole behind me. I started going down a trail I vaugly remember, then I stopped. I turned around, facing two of the most important people in either life, wondering what was to be done... 

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