Chapter 13

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I gasped, hoping that I would wake up and be in the meadow with Aiden. I opened my eyes to a dimly lit hospital room. Taking in my surroundings, I seen whom was there, who was there before. A muffled "Oh my god!" squeaked from Lydia as she threw her hands to her mouth and jumped up. Luke sat there, speechless as he ever was. Looking around at their expressions, I laughed and giggled. Not being able to stop, Lydia came and sat on the side of the bed and started tickling me. 

"Why are you laughing?" Luke asked, confused as hell.

"I- I don't- know," I said in between giggles. "I just think it's-funny-the reason why-I'm in here-is because of- you guys."

"Next time, we'll listen to you then," Lydia said giggly in a sarcastic tone.

I sat up, grabbed my pillow and threw it at her laughing. The look on her face was so dumbfounded I almost rolled off the bed by laughing, only to be caught by Luke, who smiled and looked down at me. He scooted me over, sitting on the bed with me and Lydia, smiling at me. 

They both had a smile on their face, looking at me. Something else was there, something I couldn't put my finger on. Looking up at them, I smiled.

"I missed you guys," I said, sadly.

"We've missed you too, Ash." Luke said, which surprised us all. Looking into his eyes, I knew he meant it in some way, shape, or form.

He grabbed my hand, intertwining his fingers within mine. Lydia watched him as he did, obviously confused. Squeezing his hand, I let it go so I could scoot myself up in a sitting position. 

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Um," Luke mumbled as he pulled his phone out to check the time. "Around two in the morning, why?"

"Because, I'm hungry." I said placing my hand over my stomach. 

"Do you think they'll let me go? I want some Waffle House." 

"Ash, you just woke up, and you're thinking about food?" Lydia said, laughing at me.

"No. I'm not thinking about food. I want food. There's a difference, get it right." I said, glaring at her as I stuck my tongue out at her.

"They did say, as soon as she woke up, she could leave." Luke confirmed.

"Yeah, but how are we gonna get to Waffle House?" Lydia argued.

"My mom left her car here, just in case. I guess it was a sixth sense?" Luke said, pulling the keys out of the his pocket with a smirk on his face.

"So we can go I eat?"I asked, wanting to get out of here.

"Yes, we can." Luke said, as he got up to go get a nurse.



Holding Ashlynn's hand, walking out of the hospital was the best feeling ever. Luke had raced ahead to get his mama's car and pull it up to the doors. Standing there, the silence was comfortable as she laid her head on my shoulder, letting the chilly wind grasp her waist.

"Why is he here?" She asked, bluntly.

"Honestly, I have no clue. You're asking the wrong person. He apparently really does love you. His mama gave him the update from First Sargent, saying you've fallen into a deep hole and nobody could help you because you refused, he came back. He's been back for a few weeks."

Looking down at her, I followed her gaze to him, getting in the car and starting it.

"He's back..." She mumbled quietly to herself.

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