Why Would I Think Otherwise.

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Nina's Pov-

I opened my eyes expecting to see the love of my life and handsome face. But he wasn't in bed. I stretched and pulled the covers back so I could sit up. I say on the edge of the bed for a minute before getting up. I looked at the clock and seen it was 11:15. My baby let me sleep. He knows me.

I got up and went into the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth. I wasn't going to get dressed yet. I needed some coffee and to wake up all the way.

I was surprised though. I thought I'd wake up and be really nervous and have a lot of anxiety today. But I was the complete opposite. I was surprisingly calm and collected. And I was excited. I couldn't wait to see everybody. And, although Ian had some bombs to drop on them, I couldn't wait to see their faces when they seen us together and realized that we're back together.

I was also really excited just to see everyone. I talk to Candice, Kayla and Sara all the time I haven't seen them all together and with Phoebe in a while. I seen Candice and Kayla about a month. We I lunch and caught up a little. But u haven't seen Sara in about 3 months. And I miss her.
I miss the guys too. I can't wait to see Michael, Matt, Trevino and Zack. It's gonna be great all of us being together.

But I'm most excited about seeing my parents and my brother. I haven't seen them in 2 months. And I know they're feeling just as excited. And it makes it better that it's going to surprise everybody.

I finished brushing my teeth and rinsed my mouth. I went back into our room and put a bra on. The closer I got to the door the more I could hear Ian and Paul talking.

I opened the door and walked out. As soon as I walked into the kitchen I heard Ian talking.

"But we'll talk and then I can call and let Mark know to go ahead with filing the restraining order." Ian said to Paul.

"What? What restraining order Ian? What are you talking about? What happened?" I asked. My heart was racing. And I wasn't completely sure I wanted to know the answer to my question.
Ian looked like his heart stopped and Paul looked like his was racing.

"Ian what are you talking about? What's going on?" I asked. I could feel my pulse racing and my breathing getting heavy.

"Baby... Umm... I need to uh..." Ian was struggling to get it out. I could tell he was trying to find the right words to tell me whatever he needed to tell me.

"Ian, please just tell me baby. You're worrying me." I said walking over and putting my hand in his. Hoping that would calm him and he'd be able to tell me.

"Baby let's get you some coffee and go outside. We can sit out there and talk." Ian said. I could tell he was stalling trying to figure out how he was going to tell me whatever is going on.

A part of me wanted to tell him screw that and tell me what the hell is going on. But the other part of me knew he was trying to figure out the best way to tell me whatever he needed to tell me. And I wanted to give him that opportunity.

I simply said ok and walked around the counter to get my coffee. I opened the cabinet and smiled a little seeing that Edna had kept the oversized unicorn coffee cup she had gotten made for me years earlier. I had forgotten it here the last time Ian and I came. I never thought it'd be the last time.

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