I'm Here. I'm Not Leaving.

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Nina's Pov-

I knew Ian would end up coming back to the guest house. Even though I told him not to rush. I knew I had at least an hour before he'd be here checking on me.
I loved that about him. That no matter what he was going through he was always more concerned about the people he loved. Especially me.

I was telling him the honest truth when I said "I'm fine. Ian I promise I'm not letting what she said get to me."

There wasn't anything she could say that would get to me. Not when it came to us.
Everyone knew how Ian felt about me. And how I felt about him.
Everyone knew that she was a rebound. I don't see how she didn't understand that.

There isn't a person on this Earth that could tell me anything about Ian's love for me. I knew it was always there. And so did he. Nothing was going to change that.

I wasn't letting what she said get to me emotionally. Nothing she had said was making me question anything or doubt anything. She wasn't making me question rather or not Ian really loved me. Nothing.

But I was angry. I was beyond angry. Furious. I was furious.
She was so disrespectful to Ian and his parents. And to me. I wasn't really worried about her being disrespectful to me.
I can handle it. Because nothing she said was true.

I wasn't a whore. Or a slut. Ian wasn't using me or just having fun with me for now. And I damn sure wasn't a homewrecker.

She ruined her home. Not me.
She did that all one her own. And now she's trying to blame it on me.

If I had given her any reason to put blame on me, then I'd own up to it. I'd be an adult and apologize to her. But I never did.
I was nothing but professional and adult about all of it.
When asked about their engagement or their wedding I always replied "I wish them nothing but the best. Theu seem really happy and in love. And they both deserve it."

No matter what I was feeling or going through I was always an adult about it. And I was always professional. Especially in public. There are only a few people wjo are super close to me who knew how I was really feeling about all of it.

I didn't text or call or message Ian at all.
Even when it came time for me to talk about coming back for the TVD finale I was respectful and considerate of their relationship.
I made sure that Julie and Kevin made sure Ian was ok with me coming back. That he was comfortable with me coming back. And that it wasn't going to cause any problems. For him or myself.
So the way I and everyone else sees it whatever insecurities Nikki had/has about me are in her head. They're completely unfounded. And uncalled for. I never gave her a reason to have them.

So I wasn't mad about her disrespecting me. I was furious about her disrespecting Edna and Rob. And Ian.

What kind of person is that disrespectful to her "husband's" parents. To anyone's parents actually.

That's what really got to me. The way she was talking to Ian and I in front of his mother and father. Especially the way she was talking to them. Cussing and being rude to them.

That really got to me.
I adore his parents. I love them like I love my own parents. They have always been so sweet to me. And shown me so much love and kindness. They treated me like I was one of their own children since day one.

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