This Is What We Need

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Nina's Pov-

Ian and I are laying in front of the fireplace. Our bodies are completely intertwined with one anothers. And I'm so calm and comfortable I don't want to move an inch.

Ian is running his hand down my back while I run mine over his stomach.

"Did you enjoy tonight baby?" Ian asked. Breaking me away from my thoughts of him and I. And our future in this beautiful home he bought for us.

"I did baby. I loved every second of it. Did you?" I asked, not moving at all.

"I definitely did love. I just wanted you to enjoy it. And for you to be reassured." He said. I didn't even have to look at him to know there was pure love in his eyes.

"And I was baby. I promise. I guess now we have some things we need to work out and decide." I said, referring to us moving here.

"Yeah. I guess we do. Like when. And how are you going to decorate our home." He laughed.

"I was thinking our mom's could help this week." I laughed. But I was serious.

"You want to tell them? This week? Are we going to wait until everyone else leaves or are we going to tell everybody?"

"I was thinking we do it all at once. Of course we'll tell our parents first. And then tell everybody else. But I would like our mom's help. They can give me some ideas. Ya know?"

"Yeah. I'm down babe. However you want to handle it is fine by me."

"Really? Are you sure?" I asked him. I needed to be sure he meant it.

"Of course. However you want to do things is fine by me. I just want to be with you. And however you want to decorate our home is fine with me. I trust you. And as long as at the end of the day, I'm here with you in our bed every night, I'm fine with whatever." He said kissing my head.

"Well I feel the same way baby. As long as you're here with me I'm fine with the house being the way it is now." I giggled and leaned up to kiss him.

"You think your mom is gonna be happy?"  Ian asked. I could see some worry in his eyes.

"I do. She loves you. Always has. And as long as I'm happy she's happy. Plus she's always love it here too. I wouldn't be completely surprised if she decided to move too." We both laughed.

"That would be nice though. Her and my mom could spend more time together. And she'd be closer for you. Plus Alex would come too." Ian said.
I knew he'd be happy with that. Him and Alex had always been close.

"Yeah. It would be nice to have her close. Plus if she didn't move right away he definitely would when we get pregnant." I said. And a smile appeared on both of our faces.

"You were serious about that?" Ian asked. I could tell he was hesitant.

"I was baby. I know what you're going through now isn't easy. But I was serious. When you're ready, I'm ready. We could have a beautiful baby. And raise him or her the way we've always wanted to. I don't want anything more in life than to be your wife and mother of your child or children. To spend my life with you." I told him. I put my hand on his cheek and rubbed it softly.
Ian's eyes light up as I spoke. We had talked about this before. But I wasn't ready. And now I am. It's all I've wanted since we broke up. And now we have the opportunity to do things right.

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