When Our Eyes Met

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Ian's POV---
Before Coming To The Condo In Atlanta....

I was laying in bed when I felt Nikki climb in next to me. She didn't even attempt to touch me or see if I was awake. Which was weird.
She's been acting so different lately. But then again so have I. All the thoughts of Nina have distracted me from pretty much everything lately.
I looked at the clock on my night stand and realized Nikki didn't get home until 4 am. Which is ridiculous. Why the hell would you need to be out this late, while you're pregnant.
I wasn't going to argue with her this late. I just closed my eyes to try to get to sleep. I knew I'd be having a dream of Nina in no time. And that I'd be ok.
Knowing that made me fall asleep so much faster.

I woke up around 9:45 am. I was still tired but knew I needed to get up. When I looked over Nikki wasn't in bed next to me.
I got up and went to the bathroom. While brushing my teeth I noticed her towel laid out like she was about to shower.

After I turned the sink off and made my way out of the room I heard some noise downstairs. I didn't even think she was home. She's been gone so much lately that I got used to being her by myself.

As I made my way down the steps I could hear her talking. I knew she was on the phone because I didn't hear anyone else in the house.
As I got to the bottom of the stairs I stopped when I heard her crying on the phone.

Nikki- I know I need to tell him. But I don't know how. Or if I even want to..
She was quite for a moment. Then started talking again.
Nikki- We divorced for a reason. It wasn't working. And I missed you too. That's why it all happened. I just don't know what to do about all of this now...

I instantly got mad. What the fuck is she talking about? I know she's talking to Paul, (her ex-husband) what the hell are they talking about?

I knew I had to find out. As I walked into the kitchen she was standing by the island with a bowl of fruit and a bottle of juice in front of her. Her face was all wet with tears. And she looked so tired.
A part of me wanted to pull her into my arms and sooth her. Tell her to come get some rest.
Another part of me wanted to scream and ask her what the hell she was just talking about.
And another part of me was thinking about walking out the door. And Nina. She was always in my mind. She's never left. I just tried to push her to the back. But it never worked.

"Nikki..." I said to her.
She looked up and had a look of shock and a little horror on her face. I could tell she was wondering if I had heard anything she had said.
Little did she know, I had heard enough to make me question everything between us.

Nikki- hey let me call you back. No I gotta go. I'll talk to about it later...
She quickly hung up and put her phone down.

Nikki- hey babe. Do you want some breakfast?
She asked like she wasn't standing in front of me crying or something.
"No. I'm fine. What's wrong, who were you just on the phone with?" I asked. I already knew who she was talking to. I wanted to see her face when she asked my question.
"Oh, um. It was no one. Just Paul." She stuttered to get it out.
"Why are you crying?"
"Oh. Uh. We were talking about the new album. He wants to, uh, um take one of the songs off"
"And that made you cry like that" I said looking dead at her.
She looked down. She couldn't even look me in the eyes.
"Just emotional. You know pregnancy hormones and stuff" she said while looking at her bowl.
"Mhm" was all I could get out without loosing my temper and screaming at my pregnant wife.
"I'm gonna go shower and get dressed. I need to go to the studio to talk about not removing this song" she said.
"Ok. Go ahead. I'll clean up" I told her. Hoping she wouldn't grab her phone. I know I should have a little more faith in my wife. But right now I have none.

She walked away and up the stairs without even looking back at me or her phone. I waited at the bottom of the steps until I heard the shower turn on.
I grabbed her phone and started to look through it.
I went to the messages and right to Paul's name. I don't know what I was hoping to find. But I know for damn sure it wasn't what I found.

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