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Nina's Pov---

Edna and I had decided on a little local BBQ place for some lunch before we did our shopping.
I ordered some smoked bbq brisket, Mac & Cheese, mixed collared greens and cornbread. With some southern sweet tea. I loved the southern food. I always have.

"Have you talked to your mom?" She asked as we sat at our table.
"We've texted. But I haven't spoken to her on the phone. She knows I was in Atlanta though. I told her I need some time to myself. Get my mind together." I told her. She was about to say something when the waitress walked over with our drinks.
"So she doesn't know what's been going on? Or what happened with Ian?" She asked when the waitress was out of earshot. We made sure we got a table in the corner, so we could talk and not have to worry about anyone hearing us.
"No. I haven't told her anything yet. It's not really something I think I should tell her over the phone. Ya know?"
"I have to say I agree. I wouldn't want to hear it over the phone. I'm glad I didn't hear it over the phone." She chuckled.
"What do you think she's going to say? About all of it? And about you and Ian?" She asked.
"Honestly she's going to be shocked. She's gonna be shocked about the situation with him and Nikki. She's gonna be angry. And she's gonna be sad and hurt." I said looking down.
"Understandable. You really think she's gonna be angry and hurt? How do you think she'll take the news about you and Ian? About you two working things out." She asked.
"I know she'll definitely be hurt and angry. She loves Ian. She's always loved him, you know that. She looks at him as one of her own just like you and pops do with me. He's always been a son to her. And to know that he's hurt and that he's going through this is gonna hurt her. She's going to look at it like one of her children being hurt. And it's going to make her angry. And as for how she'll react to him and I. I'm positive she's going to react the same way you and pops did." I laughed. Edna laughed recalling how shocked and happy they were last night.
"You think so?"
"I definitely do. She's been saying the same thing you guys have for the last few years. She would always tell me this was just a detour for us. And that we were made for one another. Nothing was going to change that. And that one day the Lord would find a way to make things right and bring us back together. She's going to be so happy." I smiled just thinking about the look of pure happiness that would be on my mom's face when she found out.
Just as she was about to say something the waitress came back over to the table with our food. It looked and smelled amazing. Once she asked if we needed anything else and we said no thanks, she walked away.

Edna and I put our salt and pepper on our foods and got ready to eat.
We started to eat our food and Edna broke the silence.

"I have an idea. Hopefully you like it and will agree." She smiled a little.
"Ok. I'm pretty sure I will. What's the idea Mom?" I asked. Thoroughly interested in what she had come up with.
"Well you must know that your Mom and I stayed in touch. And still take a trip together once a year. And visit each other at least 2-3 a year. You know that, right?" She asked. I, infact did know. My Mom had told me. She said if I was uncomfortable with it she'd stop. But I wasn't.
"I do know that. She asked if I was uncomfortable with it. And I told her of course I wasn't. You were like a mother to me. And I knew you two had gotten close over the years and had an amazing friendship." I told her smiling. I loved that our mom's loved each other so much. They had gotten really close over the years.
"I asked Ian the same thing. And you know something funny. He said the exact same thing as you. Anyways, we were supposed to be taking a trip to Hawaii in about 3 weeks. What if I call and invite her down for a week? Like this coming week. For the family day I wanted with you kids. Since everybody will be here. I'll tell her all the kids will be here. She'll definitely come. Would you be ok with that?" She asked.
"Of course I would. I'd actually love that. It'd be some good to have everyone together. And I honestly think it'd be better to tell her while you're around, so she'll have someone there. Ya know? That'd be great." I said smiling so big.
And I was being honest. I think it'd be great to have her here with all of us. We were like a big weird, crazy, dysfunctional yet perfect family anyways. Somehow even with all of us being really different in ways we fit together perfectly. And telling her while she was here would be better. She'd have Edna to talk to. They'd be able to talk about all of it. And we'd be able to answer the questions, that were sure to come from both sides, at one time.
"Perfect. I'll call her when we get back to the house and set it up." She said with a smile. We finished eating our food and left.

Finding Us Againحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن