Why Is This Happening

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Ian's Pov-

"We have to go right now..." I yelled. Paul, Phoebe, Candice and Kat all heard what I had just heard.

My heart sank when I heard that loud crash.
'God please let her be ok... I just got her back please let her be ok. I can't lose her again.' is all I could think.

My heart was pounding in my chest and there was a lump in my throat as I ran towards the house. It was like I couldn't get there fast enough.

I was panicking but focused at the same time. I knew exactly what I was doing but I was completely freaking out.

As we got in the house and we're headed for the front door I could barely hear everybody around me.

"Ian did you hear me? I'm driving. Tell me where to go. You're not in the right head space to drive. I got it." Joe said standing in front of me. Paul was standing next to him and agreed with him.

"Ok. Let's go." I said as Paul opened the door.
Joe and I got in the front seats. While Paul, Phoebe and Candice got in the back. Everybody else was in another car together.

"Someone needs to call our parents." I blurted out. In the midst of the chaos I had completely forgotten to.

"I'll do it Ian. Just tell Joe where we're going." Candice said as calmly as she could.

As we pulled out I was telling Joe which way to go.
Luckily Nina told me what street she was on. So I knew exactly where to go.
And lucky for me I didn't have to tell him to speed up because he already was.

"She's gonna be ok. She has to be ok, right? Like there's no way the universe would do all this and bring us back together just for her to not be ok. Right?!" I said, not realizing I was talking out loud.

"She's gonna be ok Ian. Like you said there's no way she wouldn't be. Just keep thinking that." Paul said putting his hand on my shoulder from the back seat.

"She has to be. She has to be ok." I said.
As Joe turned on the street Nina said she was on we could see about 5-6 cars already stopped. We couldn't see Nina's car with the way they had all pulled over. And I was completely panicking.

Joe slammed on the breaks, bringing the truck to a screeching stop and Paul and I jumped out.

It felt like it took me forever to close the 10 feet gap between our car and Nina.
Everything around me was in slow motion even though I was moving as fast as I could.
I could hear my heart pounding and my blood flowing through my veins.
And then my eyes widened and tears filled them as the SUV came into view.
For a split second everything around me froze.
I was stuck for a moment in time. Completely panicking on the inside and trying to suppress it on the outside.

"What are you doing? Get away from her!" I yelled louder than I intended as I snapped out of the daze I was in.

"Ian they're helping her not hurting her." Paul said from beside me. I guess he could tell I was getting angry.

As I stepped closer to her my breathing started to slow down and my heart started to race.

There was some man there with a first aid bag and a woman standing next to him holding it.
He was checking Nina's pulse and completely focused on her. Which in a way gave me a small amount of comfort, knowing someone who seemed to know what they were doing was focused on making sure she was ok.

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