Waiting With Shallow Breath.

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Ian's Pov-

"The parents are on their way. They're about 45 minutes away. Are you ok?" Paul said sitting next to me.

I honestly don't even remember coming into the hospital. Or everybody getting here. I was so out of it.

"Ok good. Thanks for uh. Thanks for calling them." I said.

"Ian, are you ok? I know it's a dumb thing to ask but I need to." Candice said. I don't know how to answer her. But I'm gonna try to anyways.

"I uh. I'm ok. I'm ok and Nina will be ok too. I think she started to wake up as we pulled up here." I said and seen the light in Candice's eyes shine.

"Of course she's gonna be ok. She's tough as hell. And she knows what she has to live for." Phoebe said.

"She's definitely going to be ok Ian. And I'm not leaving your side until they tell us she is. We got you and her. All of us." Paul said putting his hand on my shoulder. All I could do was nod my head.
My mind was going a mile a minute with a million and one different thoughts. And I couldn't form the words to make a sentence for the life of me.

I sat, silently, just staring off into space. I could vaguely hear everyone around me talking, trying to reassure each other that everything was going to be ok.

I just needed some quiet. Just for a second, I could hear her voice in my head. But I refused to leave the chair I was sitting in.
I lowered my head into my hands and closed my eyes, shutting everything out. Nina's beautiful face popped up as soon as I took a deep breath.

I just couldn't seem to wrap my mind around how we got here. How everything went from being perfect, us laughing, having fun together as a family, Nina and I talking about our future and making plans.
To me, and our family, sitting in a hospital waiting room going crazy while we wait for someone to come through the doors and tell us she's going to be ok. All in the span of an hour.

My stomach was doing flips and felt like I was going to throw up. My head was spinning and I was still trying to get a handle on everything that had just happened. Until I was snapped out of my head by Nina's phone going off in my lap.

As I lifted my head and held her phone in my hand I had to calm myself again.

"Are you ok Ian?" Candice asked timidly. Almost like she was unsure if she wanted to ask me or not.

"I umm... No. But I have to be. And I know I need to see what was said to her." I answered with a shaky voice of my own.

"How are you going to unlock it?" Kat asked with the same voice as Candice.

"Her pin is my birthday and her birthday together." I answered solemnly.
Candice put her hand on my shoulder and I looked up at her.
Hoping she would see everything she needed to in my eyes, without me having to say anything.
I was thankful when she nodded at me and began to speak.

"Ok. But wait a minute. Let me see if they can put us in one of those family rooms. Instead of doing it out here, ok?" She asked softly. But her eyes were begging me to wait until she could get me into a more private area.

"Ok. But I can't... I don't uhh..." I stuttered. But she knew what I was trying to say.

"I know. I'll be right back. Just stay right here." She squeezed my hand softly and walked away.

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