Chapter 31: Another Day in Lycus

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With Keith...
Keith grunts as he fights the 3D holographs of Sendak.

The training simulator was kind of like how he fights the gladiator but instead you're given the choice to fight holographic 3D replica of anyone of your choice.

Once he defeated his last Sendak clone, he takes a breather before he starts the program again.

Suddenly he hears a bark, he steps back in shock and looks down to see Zwei.

Who was holding a towel in his mouth and wagged his tail, the corgi barked again and holds out the towel.

Keith smiled and bends down and takes the towel from the corgi "Hey, boy." He said and pets him on the ears.

The corgi barks again and walks to a corner and sits down.

Keith looked at him amused and used the towel, throwing it across the room he starts the training simulation again.

With Gardenia...
Gardenia sighs as she waits in her throne room. She just sits there casually tapping her finger on her dark gray throne which stands on a round stone stair platform when the doors start to open with Yuki.

She quickly straightens her posture, she now sits with confidence and looks at her guard calmly.

Once he were a few inches away the general kneeled before his Empress and bowed his head.


Yuki lightly lifts his head to look up at her but not directly in the eye. "We found nothing, but the smell is very potent, someone was in their rooms. The reason is still unknown, but we are looking farther into it.Yuki proclaimed.

The Empress narrows her eyes "Very well. I want security heightened especially around the girl's rooms. I want guards standing and patrolling down the corridor 24/7." She ordered.

Yuki places his hand onto his chest and said, "Yes, your highness." he bows his head respectfully.

"You may leave."

Rising off the floor the general took his leave to carry out her order.

With Ruby and Pidge....
Right now the girls are figuring out what books to read in the royal library which is ginormous, and a dream come true to book lovers like Ruby and Pidge.

And the best part is that a spiral staircase also leads to a second level on the west side of the room. "Find any interesting books?" Ruby asked as she reads a book about fighting techniques on the big dark red couch.

Pidge huffs as he sets 2 books on the table "I found a science book and a book about the Chiropterans." She proclaimed

Ruby looks at the books intrigued "Which book is about the Chiropterans?" she asked.

Taking the book from the bottom Pidge shows the black leather book that had the title Chiropterans vol 1 on it.

"Can I read it. The history book wasn't exactly informative on what the Chiropterans look like." She proclaimed.

Pidge nods her head "I'm curious as well. Let's read it together."

Moving closer to one another they read over the contents of the book.

The Chiropterans are a race of bloodsucking beings that are the second most feared warrior race in the entire universe. They live on a planet known as Chiroptera, which is said to just as beautiful as Lycus but also slightly smaller. They usually hunt at night since that's when they're at this strongest just like the Lycans but unlike the Lycans they can't gain power by the powerful rays of the moon.

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