Chapter 45: Shiro's Escape

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Jumping out of the Green Lion, the gang were met with the others waiting for them.

"YANG!" Ruby exclaimed as she hugs the blonde. "Hey, Sis!"

Huffing, Weiss crosses her arms and looks away from them.

Smirking, the two sisters pulled her into their hug. "Aww, Weiss, we didn't forget about you." Ruby said.

"Get off." Weiss huffed, although she made no attempt to break free.

"Never." Yang and Ruby said in unison. Weiss groans and rolls her eyes, she then smiled. "You two are so annoying."

Yang cooed at her tsundere personality and teased her. "Aww, we love you too, Weiss-cream."

Both groaning in disgust, Weiss and Ruby pulled away.

Clearing her throat, Ruby changed the subject. "So, what happened with you guys?" She asked.

Yang smiles as she proudly tells them their story. "We met mermaids. And minus Lance, we all got mind controlled, got kidnapped by a band of rebels."

Everyone raises an eyebrow in bewilderment but continued to listen.

"And then we joined them, helped them kidnapped the Queen, then defeated a giant sea monster that was harvesting the entire village."

The room got so silent that you could hear a pin drop. Everyone stood as stiff as statues as they stared at her, too shock to even breathe.

Snapping out of it, both Allura and Ruby broke the silence as they exclaim in unison. "YOU DID WHAT?!"

The two girls' anxiety went through the roof as they began to die inside.

"There's more to the story I assure you." Weiss said quickly. After giving a nonchalant Yang a glare Weiss fully explained what happened.

And with the full picture both Allura and Ruby could breathe easily.

"Oh, thank goodness, I almost thought we had to turn around and apologize to the Queen." Allura muttered.

Lance smirks as he cuts into the conversation. "Also, there's been a few new developments."

"And that is?" Pidge inquired, ready to be unimpressed for whatever drivel comes out of his mouth this time.

"Well, for one, I found out my Lion can make a sonic boom cannon." Lance stated.

"But that's only the second-best thing. The first is the fact that I am here to announced that I unlocked my aura."




"Lance actually unlocked it awhile go when we were still on Lycus, he just forgot to tell us." Hunk informed.

Allura looked at Lance with intrigue. "Fascinating, I thought that it was only an ability unique to the residence of Remnant. But it's clear to not be the case."

Lance chuckles haughtily. "Yeah, I'm amazing, aren't I?" He winks at her, which ruined the mood for Allura.

"Where's Shiro?" Yang asked, noticing that he's not here. "He's in the med bay getting healed." Keith explained.

"Oh, yeah, he did get a nasty wound from threat witch." Yang remembered.

Stretching her arms above her head Yang groaned. "Well, at least we're okay. Although," she looks at Allura. "What happened? What corrupted the wormhole?"

"It was Zarkon, I'm sure he must've hit the castle with something that disrupted the wormhole, but what it was is a mystery." Allura proclaimed.

"Man, teleportation can be so complicated sometimes." Yang remarked.

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