Chapter 65: Blackout

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"We've gotta act fast. The power will only be down for 20 minutes. The Blade of Marmora's schematics showed four targets we need to hit. The weapons systems, the engines, the bridge, and the shield generators. Now, let's put an end to Zarkon, once and for all!"


"Form sword!"

"I want weapons systems activated immediately! Restart the entire crystal core manually if you have to!" Zarkon exclaimed.

Flying along the side, Team Voltron drags the sword through the ship.

Haggar looks at Zarkon as he walks past her. "Our ship may be without power, but we are not. I can use the komar to draw the quintessence directly from Voltron, rendering him lifeless." Haggar proclaimed.

Zarkon momentarily stops. "It is time I face Voltron myself." He proclaimed; he then walks off. Haggar looked at him in shock. "No, lord! It is certain death!"

"Today, the Black Lion will be mine." Zarkon proclaimed. "Your obsession with the Black Lion is clouding your judgment! You must not go out there!" Haggar yelled out, but the Galran wouldn't listen.

She looks at her druids. "Hurry! We need to protect our emperor."

"Hit the engine systems!" Shiro proclaimed, elongating the blade, Voltron slams it into the side of the ship that led to the engine systems, causing a giant explosion.

Waking up, Allura looks up. "We've done it. This is the end of Zarkon's reign."

"Yes, Princess."

Zarkon walks into a room where a group of his scientists were. "Ready my armor."

"But, lord, it has never been successfully tested. To do—" Zarkon knocks the scientist into the wall. He then looks at the others, who quickly got to work.

Once the armor was ready, Zarkon went inside the armor.

Haggar now standing on the center platform looked at her druids. "Begin the ritual!" Her druids combined their power and sent it to her.

Shooting into the side of the ship, Voltron then slashes one of the legs again.

"Stay focused. We've neutralized the engines. Let's target the bridge." Shiro said.

"Ready..." Haggar said as Voltron drew near.

As Voltron heads to the bridge, an orb of dark energy appeared below them. The team stopped and looked down. "What is that?" Lance asked warily.

"Oh, no." Kolivan muttered in fear.

"Attack!" The energy shoots straight up towards Voltron and hits them. Energy continued to surge as Haggar refuses to let up until Voltron is destroyed.

"NO!" Allura screamed.

"It's pure quintessence!" Haggar exclaimed before having no strength to go further.

Ceasing the ritual, Haggar falls to her knees and breathes heavily. Outside, Voltron floated motionlessly through space.

"Paladins! Can you hear me?" Coran asked, a visual of the motionless robot appears on screen.

He glared at Antok and Kolivan. "I thought the virus shut down all of Zarkon's power!"

"That blast was not from the ship's weapons. It was magic." Allura proclaimed.

"It must have been the Komar. Zarkon has been trying to develop a device to extract the quintessence from planets." Kolivan's expression, his expression began grimmer. "It appears he succeeded."

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