Chapter 50: Consolations

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Ruby sighed as she walked around the ship. When they had escaped, Coran had Hunk make bigger lenses to temporarily replace the broken ones.

Allowing them to wormhole a second time. However, this time Allura had put in no exit point.

So, they've been aimlessly flying through it for hours as it's the only safe place for them at the moment. And so, everyone took this time to finally relax and get some shut eye.

And Ruby had been one of the first people to wake up.

Walking into the observation deck, she was surprised to see that Keith was already there, looking out at the vortex.

For a second, she was apprehensive about being near him after their last interaction.

But she realized that they're currently stuck in a ship in space and avoiding him will be hard even on a ship this big.

Letting out a brave sigh, she decided that she's gonna act like everything is fine and maybe he'll get the hint.

She walks further in and greeted him. "Uh...h-h-hey, Keith." But she received no answer.

Raising an eyebrow, she calls out to him again. "Keith?" And like before, she was ignored.

Walking over to his side, she placed her hand on his shoulder. "Keith!" Jumping, Keith moves away from her. "Oh...hey Ruby, didn't hear you come in."

Crossing her arms, Ruby grew curious at his odd behavior. "Apparently so. What's up? You've been acting off for the past few days."

Keith looks away from her. "Nothing, I guess I'm on edge because of Zarkon following us."

Ruby continued to look at him skeptically since she can see that he's only telling her half of the truth.

"Keith? I can tell that you're not telling me everything, I may not have empathic sensing powers like Pidge, but I'm still very observant."

Sighing in defeat, Keith rubs the back of his neck. "It's nothing, I could just be overthinking it but...I think that maybe Zarkon is tracking us through me, and not Allura."

Blinking multiple times, Ruby was now very befuddled. "Why would you think that?"

"I-I don't know, maybe Zarkon put a tracker on me during our battle. I mean he did take a special interest in me."

Ruby thinks about it, and it still didn't make any sense to her. "I don't think so, besides, if there was a tracker both Azar and Allura would've informed us already."

"Also, what do you mean by, "he took a special interest"?" She asked.

"When he said that I fight like a Galra soldier." Ruby tilts her head, more befuddled than ever. "And that would result in him putting a tracker on you?"

"I don't know! Maybe he wanted to put me in his arena like Shiro."

Covering his face with his hand, Keith sighed exasperatedly. "I just don't know what to think right now, I'm a mess."

Walking over to him, Ruby placed her hand on his wrist. "Keith, look at me."

Removing his hand, Keith looked at her as she held his hand gently.

"Somethings telling me that there's a bigger issue going on to make you jump to these conclusions. You can tell me if you want."

Keith looked away from her, not knowing what to say. "I-I just..." Ruby sighed, seeing that he's not ready to talk about it. "Fine, you don't have to tell me."

His eyes widened; he was surprised at how easily she's giving up. "What? But—" Ruby held up her hand. "It's obvious that you're not ready to tell me just yet."

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