Chapter 44: Mind-Swishing

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The group had taken the three to an unknown location.

Looking over them, the female Syreni Piscciss pokes everyone, waking them up.

"Hello? Good morning." Yang said as she sat up, revealing that all three of them were blindfolded by Starfish. "Where am I?" She questioned.

Lance groans as he smacks his lips and looks around.

"Wait, what's going on?" He began to panic as he remembers his altercation with Florona. "Wait why am I blindfolded?!"

"Is this a game? I like games." Yang said dreamily.

The female holds a pufferfish like creature up to Yang's face and sprays her with it. "Wait! What?! Why am I blindfolded!?" Yang exclaimed, freaking out instantly.

Waking up from Yang's loud voice, Florona sits up. She looks around, wondering here she is. "What is this! Where am I?"

The female then sprays her with the pufferfish. Florona coughs. "EW! What was that for? That stuff stinks!"

The group raises an eyebrow at Florona's odd reaction. Usually, the person is still confused after being sprayed with this stuff.

The female removes the starfish from Florona's face while Ripjaws ripped off both Yang and Lance's off.

"It's okay. You were mind-swished, but now we want to—" The girl tried to say but Lance began to freak out.

"Kill me?!" He swims back. "Think again! Come on!" Lance activates his jetpack and swims away.

Florona and Yang shared a look before they both followed his lead. "Wait! Come back!" The big Syreni Piscciss exclaimed.

Swimming around the unknown cavern, the group ended up changing their course when they went into a dead end, that was filled with sharps spears.

But soon they came across another dead end that looked like some sort of laboratory where they lobotomize fish.

Screaming, Lance swims away again. "My, what a brave man we have." Yang muttered as her and Florona go after him.

Going through a small opening, Lance smiles when he saw that it was an area that was filled with friendly jellyfish.

But that changed when the jellyfish soon grew as big as 3 Hunks and stared at them menacingly.

Screaming again, Lance was about to swim away again but the Syreni Piscciss blocked their path.

"Huh? Aw! Don't hurt me!" Lance exclaimed, curling up into a ball.

"Please, we are not here to hurt you." The female said. "We brought you here to ask for your help. I am Plaxum."

The four-armed Syreni Piscciss then introduces himself. "Blumfump."



"Are you saying names, or is this some kind of weird spell you're putting on me?" Lance questioned.

Florona's eyes widened. "Wait, Plaxxy? Is that really you?" She asked. "Yes, it is Flora." Plaxum replied.

Smiling happily, Florona swam over to Plaxum and hugs her. "Oh, how I missed you."

She pulls away. "It's been a while, sister. How was Atlantia, did you make new friends at the academy?"

Florona then raises an eyebrow when she realizes something about this touching reunion.

"Wait, what are you doing back? Your next school break is a two Phoebs away." She pokes the jellyfish inquiringly. "Also, is this a new fashion statement."

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