Chapter 42: Across the Universe

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The Green Lion came out of a corrupted wormhole, heading straight towards what seems to be a space junk yard.

"Whoa!" Pidge exclaimed, as the Green Lion crashes through multiple pieces of debris before finally stopping.

Coming to her senses, Pidge looks around. "Huh? What's the matter, girl?"

Pidge tried to turn her back on but it would appear that the Green Lion is shut down for right now. "Okay, rest a bit. I'll see what I can do."

Pidge looks out of the lion's eyes to see that there was nothing for miles but trash and broken pieces of technology.

"Looks like there's no gravity here. It's like a trash nebula of some kind." Pidge sighs as she crosses her legs.

"Okay, Pidge, stay calm. You know what they say. "When you get lost in space, the best thing to do is stay put and wait for people to find you"."

"Literally no one has ever said that." Blake stated.

Pidge rolled her eyes. "Anyway, this be nice. I can actually have some real girl time to past the time."

Blake raises an eyebrow but there was silence. "Yeah, I got nothing." Pidge said with a sigh.

"Same." Blake replied.

Back at the wormhole the Castel of Lions was still hurtling through it.

"Let's check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor to see where this wormhole is taking us." Coran proclaimed.

"Coran, look! There appears to be something on the other end. We're heading right toward it!" Allura stated.

"Scanners show that there's no exit. It's just nothingness." He looks at Allura. "Find an exit before we run smack into the void!"

Screens appeared in front of Allura but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't take control of the castle. "I can't. I've lost control of the Castle."

"Brace yourself! We're about to hit it!" Coran exclaimed.

Going through the void of nothingness, for a second everything was dark.

"Let's check the Rift Exit Positioning Monitor to see where this wormhole is taking us." Coran proclaimed.

Opened her eyes, Allura looked around both confused and relieved that they're ok. "Coran, we're okay!"

Coran looked back at her. "What are you talking about? We've lost all the lions!"

"We've just smashed into a black void. Don't you remember?" Suddenly a squirrel like creature jumped on her shoulder. "Hmm?"

"What happened to the mice?" She looked down at the others, who had transformed as well. "They've transformed."

Looking at Coran, Allura gasped when she realized that Coran looked younger. "Coran?"

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have a boogie stuck in my mustache again?" Coran asked, he twirls his mustache until the ends broke off.

"No. You look...younger." Allura answered, she loses her balance a little as the castle rumbles.

"Scanners show that there's no exit. It's just nothingness!" Coran proclaimed.

"You said that already!" Allura stated.

Coran looked at her, very worried. "Find an exit before we run smack into the void!"

"I'm entering coordinates to get us out of here." However, that didn't seem to work either. "The Castle won't accept an end point."

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