Chapter 46: The Beast's Arrival

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He looks at the Paladins. "You were tracked!"

"What? Us?!" Pidge said, shocked.

Keith narrowed his eyes. "If Zarkon knows we're here, it's because you ratted us out." He accused.

Once the aircraft was close enough, it turns up in an upright position and opened to reveal that it was Prorok, the newest Robeast of the Galra Empire.

"It's another one of Zarkon's robot beasts...Robeasts!" Hunk exclaimed.

"We have to get back to the ship." Shiro announced.

"Shiro, wait." Ulaz brings out a hard drive. "These are instructions on how to reach the Blade of Marmora headquarters."

"Before you go there, find out how Zarkon is tracking you. If you lead him there, our entire underground network, everything we've spent centuries building, will be lost."

Taking the Drive, the entire team ran off and informed Allura of their incoming enemy.

"I knew he cannot be trusted!" Allura hissed.

"It wasn't him." Shiro defended. "How can, you be sure?" Allura asked, very skeptical.

"It doesn't matter now. What should we do?" Coran asked.

"Why can't we hide here in the space clam and wait for it to go away?" Hunk suggested.

Upon thinking about it, it didn't sound like a bad idea.

"Everyone get to your lions, but don't launch. We'll wait to see what it does. I don't want to risk fighting it if we don't have to."

Nearing the cluster, the Robeast scans the area but could not find anything.

"We should be safe as long as we're hidden in the space pocket." Pidge stated.

But she spoke too soon as the Robeast opens its mouth and began to suck up the clusters.

"He's drawing in the xanthorium clusters!" Coran cried.

Once it had its fill, the monster's eyes glowed brightly as it shoots out a powerful crimson ray of death at the rest of the clusters.

Many clusters were destroyed in the aftermath and with them, the Robeast was finally able to track the anomaly.

"I think he knows we're here." Hunk said as the Robeast flies closer.

"Hold." Shiro commanded.

Opening its mouth again, the Robeast shoots at them, hitting the Castle of the Lions.

"Direct hit! He definitely knows we're here!" Coran cried.

"Get the particle barrier up!" Allura ordered.

After shooting through the anomaly, the Robeast stops and opens its mouth and began to suck in more clusters.

"He's readying another attack!"

Suddenly the Castle of the Lions jerks forward as it too becomes trapped in its pull.

"He's pulling us in as well! Paladins, I think it's time to launch!" Allura proclaimed.

"Form Voltron!" Shiro announced.

As the Robeast continues to suck in more clusters, Voltron bursts out of the anomaly and punched it.

Knocking it's beam off course, however that blast was all it needed to dismantle the space fold.

"We're exposed! The space fold has been lowered!" Allura said.

With it now lowered, Ulaz comes flying out of his ship.

"Well, there goes Ulaz." Coran said as him and the others watched him fly off.

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