Chapter 15: Sabotage

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Pidge groans as she tries pry the elevator door open but Ruby grabs onto the doors and spread them wide open with ease.

"Show off!" Pidge stated.

"I'm not showing off. I'm just saying it would be easier if we use our werewolf abilities. No one is here to see us." Ruby replied.

"True." Pidge said as she lets Rover go through first.

Ducking over Ruby's arm she uses her jetpack to bounce off the walls.

Once she was a few feet away from her, Ruby goes through and does the same without the need of a jetpack of course.

"You are showing off!"

"Am not. Anyone who's a Huntsman in Remnant can do this. If you want I can teach you later." Ruby replied.

"You know I might hold you up to that." Pidge replied.

Meanwhile at the main deck the castle was ready to launch.

"Run main cluster activation sequence" Sendak ordered.

"Activation sequence initiated. Powering up for launch"

But unknowing to them, Pidge and Ruby had already made it to the turbine.

"Ok, Allura. We're near the turbine. I think it's started." Pidge proclaimed.

"Then you'll have to hurry. Cross the catwalk to the main column in the center."

Grabbing onto Pidge's shoulder Ruby speed up right next to the controls.

Pidge groaned "Warn me next time you're going to do that. That felt weird." Pidge stated shaking off the feeling.

"Sorry." Ruby apologized.

"Okay." Pidge said to Allura.

"Now open the hatch. Find the central computer hub and enter the following sequence..." Allura instructed.

Opening the hatch, they looked and looked at the fuses "Wait, wait, wait, wait! Which one is it? All the labels are in Altean!" Pidge exclaimed.

"This is bad." Ruby stated.

Suddenly the energy sphere glowed as more power flowed through it.

"I can't tell which one it is!" Pidge proclaimed but she didn't get a reply.

"Allura, Allura." She repeated and looks at the sphere.

"Destroy them all!" Ruby exclaimed.

Bending down Pidge takes out her Bayard and slams into the fuses "Whatever."

The fuses exploded and pushed the girls back.

The sphere flicked as it decreased in size.

"Come on let's go." Ruby said helping Pidge up and opening the doors.

At the main deck...
"The Main engine just shorted out!" Haxus informed.

Sendak walks over to him, they both watched the security footage of the girls and rover leaving.

"We have a saboteur. Find them and take them out" he ordered.

And they did, the Sentries check every corner of the Castle but couldn't find any trace of the girls, by the time they returned to the main deck it was morning.

And to put it lightly, Sendak was livid "Haxus! I want whoever's in this ship found and terminated!" he yelled.

"Commander Sendak, I've received a transmission generating from somewhere inside." Haxus said and turned the transmission on.

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