Chapter 17: Leaving Arus

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Ruby sighs as she takes a morning shower in one stalls in the girl's shower room.

She smiled bliss as the warm water relaxed her.

Turning off the water, she grabs her towel and dried herself off and put on her clothes.

Going to her room, she brings out a packet of hot chocolate and then went to the kitchen to make herself a cup.

Once she was done, she walks to the infirmary to see everyone but Qrow and Ozpin else already there.

"Morning." She said to them.

"Morning sis." Yang greeted.

"So, how's Lance?" she questioned looking at the sleeping Paladin.

"I can't tell if he looks healthy or not." Hunk replied.

"I think he's breathing weird." Pidge stated.

Reaching over Keith pokes the glass but Allura lightly slaps his hand away "Oh, come on." He said.

"Not yet! A few more ticks" Allura proclaimed.

"How much better do you think he's gonna get in a few more ticks?" he asked.

"And what exactly is a tick?" Pidge asked.

"You know a time slice." Allura replied.

Shiro looks at her curiously and asked, "Like a second?"

"What is a 'second'?" Allura asked confused.

Pidge goes into her pocket and brings out her phone and opens up the clock app "Like this." She said showing it to her.

"I'm not sure. I think ticks are bigger." Allura proclaimed.

She looks at Coran "Coran, do you have a ticker?" she asked.

Turning around he brings out a ticker which was four rectangular shapes going around in a clockwise circle.

"I think ticks are a little slower." Hunk stated looking at it closely with Pidge.

"I can't tell. We have to start them at the same time." Pidge stated.

Everyone huddled together to see which timer was faster.

"Yes, I think we're winning!" Hunk said excited.

Keith looks at him in question "Winning what? The intergalactic time measuring competition?" he asked smartly.

"Yes." Hunk replied.

Ruby laughs at that "Seriously?" she said amused.

They were so busy looking at the timers that they didn't realized that Lance's sleep pod had opened up and he walked out towards them "You guys having a clock party?" he asked.

"Aw. Lance, you just ruined it." Hunk said annoyed.

But then he realized who he was just talking to "Hey. Lance!" he exclaimed and hugged him tightly.

"What happened?" Lance asked.

Allura touches his shoulder "We can tell you all about it while you get something to eat. Are you able to walk?" she asked.

"Talking, eating? Are you asking me out on date?" he asked smirking.

Everyone groaned knowing that he's back to normal "Yep there he is." Pidge stated annoyed.

After getting dress in his clothes, Lance at a nice bowl of green goo.

"He'd be Sendak's prisoner right now if it wasn't' for Pidge and Ruby." Allura stated.

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