Chapter 35: Battle of Lycus

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Gardenia ran through the halls of her castle and made her way to one of the weapons rooms.

Where she grabs a sword and a blaster.

However, she had taken noticed of Akari standing at the opening of the door.

And without even looking at her, Gardenia began to address her.

"Akari, why are you following me. You should be helping the others."

"I am sorry your majesty, but you are my first priority."

"Especially since our greatest enemy has been under our noses for the last 6 Phoebs."

Because of her back being turned, Akari missed the wide-eyed look on Gardenia's face as the gears began to turn in her brain.

And soon that look of shock turned into horrified realization.

Standing there for a good 6 seconds, once Gardenia was over the initial shock.

She quickly becomes calm as she grabs the bottom of her dress.

Where she ripped it to shreds until it went above her knees.

And it was a tragedy, especially since it was a beautiful dress.

But it's like they say, duty before beauty.

Dropping her sword, she changes it out for a giant plasma battle axe.

"You don't need to worry about me...."

Moving fast Gardenia turned around and threw the Axe at Akari, who deflected it with her own sword.

Gardenia then narrows her eyes as she opened her mouth and sent out a sonic wave while also saying.

"I can take care of myself!"

The shockwave was so strong that it blew Akari back.

Akari screamed as she soars across the long hallway before skidding to a stop.

She then quickly gets up and tried to play the victim.

"My Queen I don't under—"

She shrieks when she almost got shot by the Gardenia's blaster.

The Empress looked at Akari with hatred as she hissed, "Don't play games, I am not in idiot!"

"The second you said the exact amount of time that the Chiropterans have been on our planet, I knew that you were a traitor!"

Akari smirked maliciously at her and replied, "Can't be a traitor if I was never on your side to begin with."

And with that she turns back into her real form.

Gardenia narrows her eyes at Kamala, instantly recognizing the girl.

"Princess Kamala of Chiroptera."

Kamala smirked as she gets up and does a mock bow.

"Pleasure to finally meet you, your—"

"Where is the real Akari?"

Chuckling, Kamala pretends to think about it for a moment before telling her the truth.

"Hmm, I would like to say that I killed her and disposed of her body to make this whole reveal even more dramatic."

"But the truth is, Akari never existed in the first place. She was merely an identity I created."

"After that, all I needed was some fake transcripts and thanks to a little hypnotism. I was the best student that Lunar Knight academy ever had."

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