Chapter 13: Falling Apart

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It was in the middle of the night and everyone was asleep except for a certain green paladin who was walking through halls while her eyes were glued onto the screen of her laptop.

Pidge yawns as she looks over the data she managed to salvage from Sendak's ship before it was destroyed.

But the sound of something falling caught her attention, she looks ahead and sees that the kitchen door is opened.

Walking towards she pokes her head in and sees Ruby in her PJ's sitting on top of the counter drinking a nice cup of hot coco with some beef jerky and an extra cup of hot coco right next to her.

Pidge would say it was nothing out of ordinary if it wasn't for the fact that Ruby's eyes were bright red from crying and her entire body shaking like a leaf.

Something was definitely wrong with the Huntress.

"Ruby? What's wrong?" Pidge asked.

The Huntress yelps in shock and looks at her cousin with a stunned look "Oh, Pidge...what are you doing up so late. You should be in bed."

"The same could be said about you." Pidge stated.


"But you didn't answer my question what's wrong?" The Green Paladin asked again.

The Huntress looks down at her cup and replied, "Nothing. I was just hungry."

"Bullshit." Pidge said bluntly.

Ruby looks at her in shock "Excuse me?"

Pidge rolled her eyes and sets her lap top on the counter and sits right next to the Huntress and without even asking takes some of Ruby's beef jerky and her extra hot coco.

Ruby looked at her cousin a little peeved that she did that but decided to let it go.

"Ruby, if you expect me to believe that you're okay when you look like you've been crying for hours and trying to eat and drink something to calm down your nerves then you're sadly mistaken. So, either you can tell me what's wrong or I'll pester it out of you."

The red hooded Huntress growls under her breath "I just had a nightmare." She admitted.

"About what?"

"Pyrrha and Penny's death." Ruby replied.

Pidge spits out her hot coco and looks at Ruby in shock "I'm sorry what?"

"For the past three years I have been having nightmares about the fall of Beacon. I practically lost everything that day, two of my friends were killed by Cinder, my team was split apart, Yang had lost all hope after losing her arm, and Cinder was still at large."

"What's even more messed is how Pyrrha died...Cinder had shot her in the heart and then disintegrated her body into dust right before my eyes." Ruby answered.

Pidge looks at her cousin in sympathy "I'm sorry to hear that...what about the other friend?" she asked.

Ruby halfheartedly chuckles "Penny? She was a one of a kind for the fact she's a cyborg that could produce an aura, she was built as a way to counter Salem but somehow Cinder found this out and used this to her advantaged by rigging Penny's fight with Pyrrha, since she also found out that Pyrrha's semblance is polarity."

"When I found this out. I tried to stop their match but Mercury, one of Cinder's followers kept me busy and by the time I got there it was too late. The sheer force of Pyrrha's semblance had ripped Penny limb from limb."

Tears fell down her face again "Then everything after that everything went up in flames and only got worst by the second."

Pidge places her hand on Ruby's back and began to rub it in a circular motion.

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