Chapter 38: Extraction

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The masked figure walks calmly as the Galra Drones walk close behind him with the canisters.

But unknowing to him, Ruby and Keith were watching him from above.

They looked at each other and nod their heads.

Moving from their spot, they quickly followed their target as they got close to the door.

Once they went through, the door started to close but Ruby had activated Petal Burst.

Which allowed them to get inside quickly, safely, and quietly.

Coming to a stop near the door, Keith and Ruby began to follow the masked figure quietly.

Meanwhile back at the control room.

Hunk hooked something up that made the drone's left arm functional.

Where he then began to make it hit itself on the head.

He laughs in amusement and begins to make the drone do it multiple times.

"Why are you hitting yourself? Stop hitting yourself! Quit hitting yourself!"

Team WBY looked at Hunk in disbelief.

Sighing, Weiss facepalmed and shook her head at his tomfoolery.

"Stop torturing it, Hunk." Pidge said, chiding him.

Hunk momentarily stops torturing the robot.

"I'm sorry. I just... I need something to keep me busy."

Hunk frowns as he continues to make the robot tap itself on the head to calm his nerves.

"So, I'm not worried about Keith and Ruby getting caught, or Shiro and Allura getting blasted by robot things."

"Or someone finding us here, like, right now..."

Reaching over, Pidge snatches the wires from Hunk and hooked them up to her laptop.

"Stop it, Hunk! I think we can teach it to help us." She stated.

She looked up at the drone and asked, "Would you like to help us, Mr. Robot?"

The robot lifted its head and looked at her for a few seconds before shaking its head 'no.'

"Whoops." Pidge muttered.

Lance looks up at the ceiling and began to ask everyone a question.

"Quick question. Does Allura talk about me when I'm not in the room?"

"Oh, yeah, all the time." Hunk replied, lying through his teeth.

The girls looked at Hunk in bewilderment, but a smile grew on Yang's face.

Lance looked at Hunk happily, "Really?"

Her smile becoming mischievous, Yang nods her head and began to tell him the "truth."

"Yep, She's all like..."

Yang laces her hands together and begins to talk like Allura.

"Oh, Lance. He looks so fine. I'm all atwitter."

Giggling, Yang then cups her cheeks with her hands and acts all bashful.

"Then, she turns redder than Ruby's cape and she makes us swear not to tell anyone."

The smile on Lance's face became even brighter and he pumps his fist in triumph.

"I knew it!" He exclaimed in equal triumph.

Suddenly the Galra Drone hits Lance in the face.

"Whoops." Pidge said, not even ashamed of what happened.

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