Chapter 25: Strange Occurrences

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Ruby yawns as she walks through the halls to the kitchen.

That was until she turned right and accidentally bumped into Allura.

Which resulted in the still weak princess falling onto the floor "Allura?" Ruby said looking down at the princess confused.

She holds out her hand and the tired looking princess takes it.

"Sorry about that." Ruby apologized.

"No. I should be sorry." Allura replied.

The Huntress looks down at her PJ's "You're still exhausted? It's been 3 days" she asked.

"The Balmera took out more of my energy than I thought...If I may ask why you aren't exhausted from what Coran told me, your scan showed that you used more of your energy than me during the ceremony" she asked.

"My uncle Qrow brewed me some tea that's made with lots of herbs and honeydew. It has an instant revitalizing effect to a person's aura after a day of consuming it. I could make you some if you want?" she offered.

"That would be lovely. You certainty came prepared. What made you feel that you should pack herbs?" The Altean Princess asked.

Ruby shrugs her shoulders "Since herbalism is a big part of werewolf culture, my Grandma Gardenia practically nailed it into my head to bring herbs everywhere I go, even if I'm just having a relaxing day." She replied.

Allura looks at her confused "Nailed? Do you mean that literally or figuratively?" she asked.

"Figuratively." Ruby replied.

She looks at the red hooded huntress amused "Humans certainly do have a lot of strange phrases." She proclaimed.

"So where are you headed?" Ruby asked.

"I'm off to see my father. What about you?" Allura asked.

"The kitchen. Pidge is sleep depriving herself again and so I was going to get her some food goo before she passes from the lack of sleep and starvation." She replied.

"Speaking of food. How is Pidge's meat cravings?"

"Good. She went through what I had left and should be ok for now. But once we get to Lycus, we might have to make room for meat-based foods in the castle kitchen when we leave."

Allura nods her head in agreement "I see. That would be the beast course of action. We don't know how long it will take to defeat Zarkon or when the next time we will be able to visit Lycus."

She then frowns "And I am gravely sorry for what happened to some of your people on earth."

Ruby looks at her confused "What do you mean?" she asked.

"The others told me and Coran on how the earthlings attacked Lycans when they came to their planet unprovoked." Allura answered.

Ruby shrugs her shoulders "Well it's actually 50-50." She replied.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, on one hand, yes, the humans attack us unprovoked. But on another hand the reason why they attack us is since werewolves have attacked them. May it be from the...transformation or hunger." The Huntress explained.

"The transformation? You mean when you turn into your other form?" The Altean princess asked.

Ruby nods her head "Yep. As you already know the transformation is far from painless and some of us have actually lost our minds because of the pain. And unfortunately, one of the side effects is that our brains revert to a more...primal mind set. Which resulted in werewolves attacking humans." She explained.

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