Chapter 66: The Lion Riders

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Deep within the underground of an unknown planet there was a colony of red-skinned aliens with black hair and golden eyes with black sclera going about their daily lives.

There were people who were gathering water in a freshwater river that strode past their colony.

And under the spotlight of light generated from amber metal ore there were farmers digging up their harvest.

However, this harmonious atmosphere was ruined when the ground began to shake.

People gasped and looked around warily as they hoped that this was just a normal earthquake and not what they thought it was.

But their fears were proven correct when suddenly, a drill burst through a wall.

Screaming, the aliens all began to run through one of the many emergency escape tunnels that lead out of the underground cavern.

However, their escape was a futile attempt as there were Galran sentry bots waiting for them with their blasters raised. "Freeze! Surrender and die!"

Meanwhile at the castle of the lions, Keith was silently walking through the halls and then into the Green Lion hanger, where Pidge was in her lab. "Pidge—"

Pidge, who was looking up at her screen held up her hand. "I'm gonna stop you right there Keith. No, I haven't heard any chatter about the Galra having Shiro. And yes, I'm sure."

Keith sighed in annoyance, it's been 5 days since Shiro's disappearance, and they have not found out what happened to him. "Well, he has to be somewhere, people don't just up and disappear."

"Well, Shiro somehow did." Pidge grumbled under her breath.

Hunk then arrived holding a plate of his Granny's famous sweet chili Hawaiian chicken kebobs. "Maybe the Black Lion teleported it somewhere?" He theorized.

Pidge looked at him incredulously. "Hunk, I don't think the lion can do that?"

Pidge took the plate from Hunk and gave him a grateful smile. "Thanks." Hunk smiled heartedly. "No problem." He then raises an eyebrow. "Also, why would that be hard to believe?" He asked.

"I mean, it makes total sense that the Black Lion may have some teleporting capabilities since Shiro was able to get his Bayard right? Even though Zarkon was in an entire another robot?"

"Well, that could be just because of Shiro's connection with the Black Lion was stronger, not to mention he was right next to Zarkon." Pidge stated. "Also, sometime before meeting the Blade of Marmora, I was talking with Coran, and he told me some neat stuff about our Bayards."

Pidge picks up kebob and eats some of the food before she said anything. "Apparently, the Bayards respond to our bonds with our lions. And the stronger the bond, the stronger our weapons are."

"Moreover, the bond can get so strong that if the Bayard is stolen and maybe somewhere across the planet, or even off planet you can still summon it. Making it inalienable."

"Wow that's pretty neat." Hunk muttered.

Sighing, Keith turns around and walks away, leaving Pidge and Hunk to talk.

Elsewhere, Ruby was conversing with her grandmother. "How have you been Ruby? Are you recuperating well? What about Pidge?"

"We're fine grandma, we all are." Ruby frowns, "Although...we still don't know what happened to Shiro? Like once moment he's there but then the next, Poof! Gone!"

"It is strange. However, despite this Voltron's presence is still needed. Word about Zarkon defeat is spreading fast. More planets are rebelling. However, if Voltron is gone, then that might affect morale."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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