Chapter 53: The Black Market

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Ruby hums as she enters the kitchen for a little snack and found Hunk and Yang in there.

"Hey, Hunk, whatcha making?" She asked. "Oh, Ruby just in time! I just made some sherbet." Hunk stated, he sets the cups down.

Which were all distinctly colored being blue, pink, red, and orange.

"There's Blueberry, Strawberry, Cherry, Orange mango."

Taking one, Ruby tries it, and she immediately hums in delight. "Whoa this is good."

"Great, I was going to hand this out to everyone." Hunk stated.

"I'm sure everyone will love it. Especially Keith, cherry is his 2nd favorite fruit flavor." Ruby stated.

Yang smiled, finding it amusing that both Keith and Ruby share the same 2nd favorite fruit.

"And the first?" She asked. "Watermelon." Ruby answered.

"Good to know." Hunk remarked, internally noting it down for later.

Turning around she goes to take her leave when Yang got an idea.

Bumping her shoulder into Hunk, she whispered something into his ear.

His eyes widening, he gestured to Ruby. Yang nodded in response, smiling mischievously.

"Oh, hey Ruby!" Hunk called out awkwardly.

Stopping at the door, Ruby looks back. "Huh?"

"Listen, could you bring one to Keith." He asked.

Ruby raises an eyebrow. "Why me?" Hunk's eyes went back and forth as he pulls an excuse out of his ass.

"Well, Keith has a habit of making himself scarce. And it sometimes takes forever to find him. And the sherbet meant for him might melt by that point."

Ruby looks at him with suspicion before sighing. "Fine."

Taking a cherry flavored sherbet, Ruby took her leave.

Once she was gone, Hunk sighed in relief. "Oh, thank god that worked."

Walking through the halls, Ruby checked the usual places Keith would be.

He was not in the training deck, or the observation deck, the lounge, or even the Red Lion hanger. Which only left one place he could be.

Standing in front of his door, Ruby opened it. "Hey, Keith— Huh?" She looks around, discovering the room empty.

"Where is he?" She wondered, she then looks down and noticed that there was a pile of discarded dirty, sweaty smelling clothes on the floor.

Combining that with the sound of running water, Ruby assumed that the Red Paladin was taking a bath.

Walking in, Ruby sets Keith's sherbet down on a table and was going to walk away when something catches her eye.

Stopping in her tracks, Ruby looks at Keith's bed and saw something strange sticking out of the pillow.

Her curiosity peaked, Ruby walked over and pulled the object out, which revealed to be Keith's dagger.

She was about to write it off as nothing special and put it back but that was before she finally took notice of the Blade of Marmora's symbol.

"Wait...what? But this is—" Hearing the water stop, Ruby panicked and dropped the knife. "Dang it!" She hissed.

Ruby quickly picked up the dagger and put it back under the pillow with mere seconds to spare as the bathroom door opened.

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