Chapter 54: Space Mall Shenanigans Part 1

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Hunk looks around the mall as he takes a moving walkway. "Okay, if I were a 10,000-year-old wormhole lens, where would I be?" He then takes notice of two aliens that were speeding past him.

He jogs after them. "Excuse me, hey, hi, excuse me, hi! Wow, you guys are really booking here." Ignoring him, the aliens walked faster.

"So, I was just wondering if you guys knew where I could find some lenses for my ship around here? Is there a one-hour lens place around here or something?"

"Anything? Nothing?" Hunk groans as he began to slow down while the aliens sped up. "Never mind, you know what? I'll catch up with you guys later!"

Stopping, Hunk groans as he takes his breath. "Oh!" Reaching the end of the walkway, Hunk looked up and instantly perked up when he saw that he was in the cafeteria area. "This is beautiful!"

Spotting a few sampler trays, Hunk walked over to the hungrily. "Maybe the scaultrite is under these samples. I don't know."

He takes what looks like shrimp. "Rubbery." He then went onto a taco looking sampler. "Sweet and salty."

He then tries a drink that made him shiver. "So cold..." He began to fan himself as he felt like his entire mouth was on fire. "But spicy."

He then went to the last plate, which had some kind of mushy grayish brown ball on a stick. "Mmm." He hums as he takes the food, but it just tasted plain. "Eh What's next, what do you got?"

"Five hundred GAC." A gruff voice said.

Hunk looked at the person that said that which was a heavy looking Galra who looked...normal when compared to others. He didn't even have the glowing yellow eyes.

"Five hundred GAC—wait excuse me?" Hunk questioned. "Sustenance provided by Vrepit Sal," The Galra gestures to himself, "that's me." He holds out his hand. "Five hundred GAC is now owed."

"Oh, I thought this was a "free sample" situation." Hunk admitted.

Sal looked at him incredulously, who in their right mind would give out small portions of food for free.

"Free?" He repeated.

Hunk fiddles with his fingers, now feeling embarrassed. He should have known that earth mall etiquette may not apply here. "Of charge. You know, gratis?" Sal looked at him with a disproving stare.

Sighing, Hunk goes into his pocket. "Ok, ok, I'll pay." After digging into his pocket for another 4 seconds he realized that he couldn't feel his money.

Pausing for a second, he checks his other pocket but there wasn't anything in there as well.

He looks at Sal nervously. " second." He quickly checks all his pockets, his shoes, and still nothing.

"Where is it, I know I grabbed—" Hunk then gasped in horror when he remembered that he placed his money in a pocket of his space pirate disguise. "Oh man..." He whimpered.

He turns back to Sal, smiling nervously. "Listen, I kind of...threw my money away by accident. So, I'll just go get it, come back and—"

Before Hunk knew it, he found himself thrown into Sal's kitchen with one of his legs shackled to the sink.

"Oh, man!" He looks at an elderly dishwasher lady with deep blue skin and pale blue hair. And just like him, she was shackled.

Meaning that the chances of her being a willing worker is next to none. "How long you been here?" The dishwasher stopped. "Sal put me in when I was just a little girl."

"Oh, no!" Hunk whimpered.

Elsewhere, Keith was walking around by himself when he saw some guy selling knifewear.

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