Chapter 60: Something Lost, Something Gained

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Keith and Hunk exit the Yellow Lion. Hunk hits the ground and overbalances, beginning to spin with his jetpack pushing his momentum.

He manages to right himself and they travel to the weblum's gills. Hunk begins to flip over yet again, but manages to right himself. "Got it, got it."

They go inside through its opening and closing ear.

Elsewhere, at Zarkon's central command, Thace enters a room to see one of the Druids using its magic on a damaged sentry. "Why are you tampering with evidence?"

"Commander Thace, I was ordered to assist you in your investigation into the possible traitors on board." Thace hardens his gaze. "Ordered by whom?" He questioned.

"Haggar. I've analyzed the sentry that was destroyed just before the shields went down."

"The one that was killed by Prorok. I've already examined him."

"So, you found the trace elements of luxite on the wound?" The Druid inquired, Thace looked at him in shock.

Ceasing to use his magic, the Druid looks at him. "It's a very rare metal. If we find others on the ship in possession of luxite, we will have found our traitors."

Thace had an uncomfortable look in his eyes, but he quickly composes himself. "Then what are you waiting for? Begin the search starting with the lower block."

"I'll assign some sentries to that." The druid answered.

Thace turns to leave, but the Druid follows. Thace looks over his shoulder, then turns to face the Druid. "Is there anything else?"

"As chief investigator, your life could be in danger. I have been given orders to remain by your side until we clear all personnel or find the spy." The druid stated.

Back inside the weblum, Keith, Blake, and Hunk descend safely using their jetpacks. Upon touching down, Hunk grunts as he steps on a bubble that pops underneath him.

He lifts his foot up, revealing a mucus-like substance clinging to the boot.

"Uh, yuck! What am I standing on? A mucus pocket? I do not like mucus! And is that steaming stomach acid? Look at it right over there. Oh, man, I really hope I don't see any blood."

"Hunk! Knock it off. You're freaking yourself out." Keith said. "No, standing inches away from a pus-bubble is freaking me out." Hunk whined.

He stomps on said pus-bubble when he says "pus" to prove his point. The substance inside lands on the ground and begins to sizzle, causing Hunk to rear back and cry out in disgust.

"Look, we're inside a disgusting worm. There's no way to sugarcoat it." Keith stated. "We're gonna need that big brain of yours if we want to make it through. Will you be all right?"

Hunk looks around the cavern, continuing to groan. "I said, will you be all right?" Keith repeated.

"Uh... Okay, okay." Hunk inhales deeply. "I'll be okay."

"Good." Keith puts a hand on Hunk's back. "I gotta be able to count on you."

The Red Paladin begins walking away. "Besides, no one knows an explosive digestive tract like you."

Hunk tilts his head, then shakes it and holds his hands up. "Wait, wait, wait. Did you just make a joke?" He inquired before chuckling in amusement.

"Seriously, that was a joke, wasn't it?" Hunk asked as Keith activates his jetpack and flew away to hop over a small crevice, Blake and Hunk follow after him.

"You're saying I throw up a lot. I get it. It's funny." He laughs. "I do. Wow. Galra Keith is way funnier than regular Keith." Blake elbows him. "Hunk!" She hissed, "What?"

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