Chapter 1: Path to recovery and the new recruit

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Y/N: Are we really your students Ozpin? Or are you using us as weapons?

Ozpin: Let me-


There was a few seconds of silence until Y/N speaks.

Y/N: Do you have ANY idea how much Pyrrha weigh that burden?

Ozpin: I-

Y/N: If you think that everyone I know are friends, you are wrong. They are my family.

Ozpin: Y/N-

Y/N: How many people died following you!?

Ozpin: That's... Not important.

Y/N: Nor the people you sent to their graves.

Ozpin: Y/N, please, I can explain.

Y/N: Is that why you select us chess pieces? So that you can play OUR lives and sacrifice when you saw the fit!?

Ozpin: Please-

Y/N: Was Pyrrha was a sacrificial object to you AS WELL!?

Ozpin: It was her choice.



Y/N: You should thank my master. If it wasn't for him, your soul will go to a 14 year old farmer boy.

Y/N stood up from his seat.

Y/N: I'm not against you Ozpin, but this time no more secrets should be held. And stop playing someone else's lives. I take my leave.

Y/N heads to the elevator and leaves, leaving Ozpin shamed on his actions.


Finally now that is done. I've said those words so that he'll stop playing our lives. He dragged everyone I loved into a war. I woke out in the elevator when the elevator dings and opened. I'm heading where my family is. As I was walking, someone is calling my name.

???: Hey Y/N.

I look at the source of the voice to see and it's Pyrrha.

Y/N: Hey Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Can we talk to your team's old dorm?

Y/N: Oh... Sure.

Me and Pyrrha walked together to my team's old dorm. As we were walking, I can see her a... Sad and guilty face? Sad? To what? Guilty? To what? I need to stop speculating and I wonder what are we going to talk about.

<*Small time skip brought to you by author RWBY volume 6 episode 1*>


Not so long, me and Pyrrha made it to my team's old dorm as I and Pyrrha entered. I signaled Pyrrha to sit on my bed as I also sit on the bed as well.

Me and Pyrrha had been sitting on the bed for 2 minutes. I've waited to let her speak, but these 2 minutes is nothing but silence. So I decided to speak up.

Y/N: Pyrrha?

She was still looking down.

Y/N: Pyrrha? What's wrong-

No one POV

Pyrrha: *cold tone* Why?

Y/N flinched at the sudden cold tone of her voice. Is this about the attack on beacon? That is the question that burned on her mind for 5 months after the fall.

The Chosen One ( Male reader x RWBY Harem) [ON HIATUS]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang