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A/N: Sorry for the long hiatus guys.  Now without further ado  the long awaited conclusion of Parental Discretion Advised....enjoy everyone and thanks for reading.

Kikah's POV

It felt like we had been walking forever as we made our way in the direction EXO must have gone. The music I had heard earlier and the tents I had seen from the car, were now a lot closer.

They were a beautiful champagne color and looked to be made of the finest silks. Now that we were only feet away from them, I realized that they weren't tents at all; they were dividers of some sort.

Like the kind the rich used for private galas in public places. It was a way to keep all unwanted guests out.

All around the perimeter were bouquets of beautiful wild nigella, cream colored lilies, and the bluest iris' I had ever seen. Some of the flowers had been woven into large pieces of drift wood and others scattered around a path that led to an opening inside the silken border.

Two bouncers, of some sort, stood century at the entrance. Ear pieces tucked securely into their left ears. Their crisp black suits in stark contrast with the silky champagne backdrop they stood in front of.

I thought that Taemin would have changed our course or at the very least slowed his pace some, but he didn't. Instead, we just continued to walk straight for the private event; almost as if we were going to walk right through it, to the other side. Sparing a glance to Taemin's determined face, I could tell that was exactly what he planned to do.

We were going to crash someone's party!

Tugging his hand, I got his attention. "Tae, I don't think we should walk through someone's obviously private affair, just to get my ring back from Kai." I reasoned softly.

"What if that was us and it was our baby shower or something. You'd be pissed off if anyone that wasn't invited just walked on through. I think we should just go around." I suggested.

Smiling, he patted my hand lovingly. "Kiks, there's no other way around. I can guarantee that the guys walked through here too. Just trust me, it'll be fine. I'm mean, who wouldn't want their party crashed by celebrities and a business mogul? These people will probably tell this to their grandkids someday." He laughed.

Pulling me by the hand, we began up the path that led to the security men and just like Taemin had suggested, they didn't even bat an eye at us as we walked past them.

My eyes took in the event décor. More of those beautiful flowers decorated the inside. Chairs were neatly piled in rows with a space down the middle to form an aisle. Flowers and silken fabric lined the open space, as the people who occupied each decorated seat waited patiently for something, or someone.

Eyes widening, I turned to look at Taemin's beaming face. Pulling me close, he kissed the top of my head and smiled. "You didn't really think I'd wait years for you to say yes and just leave it at a simple proposal, did you? Life is too damn short for all the pretenses and I think we've waited long enough, don't you?"

Astonished, I just nodded. I couldn't believe my eyes. He had planned all of this right under my nose. Taemin, the man who can't even remember if he fed Franklin jr or paid his cell phone bill, had planned the perfect day. He had set the stage for the best moment of both our lives, aside from the day we became parents.

Finally, I got a good look at the guests and smiled. They were all here. His parents, his brother, our friends, his label mates, my sister, and my dad.

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