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Kikah's POV:

It has been a long week.

Between starting the process of hiring new people, preparing to launch new stores, finalizing the contractual agreements between Neris and JYP/YG entertainment, and Taemin's random calls or texts apologizing for his part in cultural appropriation, I was drained.

He even made Kai call and apologize for wearing dreads. I mean, I appreciate his enthusiasm and I get why he's doing these things, but still. I wish he would simmer down just a little. He can get borderline obsessive about things and, knowing him, he won't stop until he sees the change he wants.

Which isn't a bad thing, in this case.

There needed to be more cultural sensitivity here and hopefully Korea as a whole can begin to discuss and heal their own internal issues. I really hoped that Taemin could spark change in a country that was trying desperately to hold on to the outdated notions of the past.

I needed a break from everything, even my own mind. With the weekend coming up, and Aurora going to Irene's, I would have nothing but time to myself.

'Maybe now would be a good time to take Amber up on her offer.'

Taking out my phone, I dialed her number.

Everyone, was right. I needed to put myself back out there again, but I was rusty. I hadn't done anything like this in years. I only hoped that the "friend" Amber was setting me up with wasn't a jerk.


Before I knew it, the weekend was upon me and my date with Amber's "friend" was too.

Looking in my closet, I tried to decide what to wear for the event. I wanted to look cute but comfortable. This wasn't a REAL date, after all. Just some "friend" Amber had asked to help me out. Like a warm up date before I actually decided to start dating again. And to be honest, I needed all the practice that I could get. Finally, my eyes found the perfect outfit and I took it off the hanger.

I just wish she would've told me who the identity of the guy was that had taken pity on me. Though, I have to admit, it feels nice to not be in slacks or heels. Just regular jeggings, Jordans, and an oversized cut up Chanel sweatshirt.

Putting my curly hair into a messy high ponytail, I fixed my edges just how I like them. Since this wasn't a real date, I decided to forgo any real makeup. Just a little lip gloss and clear mascara.

Then I grabbed my keys and headed out the door, off to the location that Amber had text me to meet my blind date. It didn't take me long to get there and as I placed the car in park, I couldn't help but feel a since of Déjà vu.

I had been here before, I think.

Quickly, I got out of the car and headed toward the ticket booth. Since I was supposed to meet my date here, I stood just shy of the booth and waited for the man.

Amber told me that he would be wearing a t-shirt and a red leather jacket. I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder.

Thinking that must be him, I turned around and wished like hell I hadn't.


Taemin's POV:

When Kai told me that Amber had asked Chanyeol to take Kikah to the carnival, I politely "asked" him not to and insisted that I would go instead. I hoped she wouldn't be too mad. To be honest, it's not really Kikah I'm concerned about, it's Irene. My nose still gets phantom pains from time to time because of her.

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