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3rd POV:

Shinee' had been back now, for about 3 weeks and the weather was quickly turning warm. So, Onew had the great idea that today he and Aurora should go to the park. They had lots of swings and slides at the playground that she would love. It also gave Minho and the others a chance to put together the toy kitchen they had gotten her.

It would probably take them a while, considering it included a fully functional kitchen sink and refrigerator. Toys seemed to be getting more and more advanced by the day.

But, if he were being honest with himself, he just wanted to spend some time with his niece. Since, the great chicken war, they had gotten a lot closer but they still weren't as close as he'd like them to be. He felt that out of all of the members,  Aurora was the least closest to him. He wanted to change that, or at least try to. He knew that since she had been around Jonghyun and Key since birth, there was no way he could ever be as close to her as they were but in his heart he yearned to be.

So, after first stopping to get something to eat from his favorite chicken shack, they headed to the park. They arrived at around noon and Played on everything the park had to offer; from titter totters to monkey bars of varying sizes. He even taught her how to play freeze tag and hide and seek.

They were having a great time.

After a while, he tiredly sat down on the bench. Content to just watch as Aurora played happily with the other children that were there.

He had just gone into his bag to pull them out some snacks, when he heard it.

Only taken his eyes off her for a moment, but that one second was all it took.

Heart dropping, he raced to the slides where she had been and the sole source where her scream had come from.

Some of the other children had run off to get their parents to help. While others were circled around the toddler.

Running up, Onew dropped down to his knees to get a good look at his niece.

Aurora was sitting on the ground holding her arm and sobbing.

"Princess what happened? What's wrong?" He asked trying not to panic. He quickly assessed the situation. Her arm didn't look broken and it wasn't at an odd angle either.

As gently as he could, he removed her hand from her arm, so he could get a better look at it. She had an angry welt that was swelling at an alarming rate. The thing that caught his interest, and put him on edge, was that in the center were two small marks, that looked an awful  lot like bites.

Acting fast, he picked her up and rushed to the car. He had been bitten by a lot of bugs when he was a kid and had a good idea of what it could have been. Not taking any chances with her, he quickly made his way to the hospital.

Aurora began to wheeze and gasp for breath as soon as he was through the sliding doors of the hospital's emergency room.

"Please help me!" He yelled frantically as he held the small toddler in his arms. She had begun to turn blue.

Nurses rushed to his aide with a gurney and blood pressure monitor.

"What happened?" Questioned the nurse as they quickly took her vitals.

"She was bitten by some sort of insect. Maybe a spider. I didn't see it." Panicked Onew as he tried not to pull at his hair as anxiety set in.

The doctor had just arrived and after taking one look at Aurora's now rapidly swelling face, yelled. "Get this girl epinephrine and an IV sat. She's going into anaphylactic shock!"

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