Under The Cherry Moon

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A/N: First, I would like to thank all of you; who have voted, commented, shared and supported this story. I am so incredibly thankful and humbled by your kind words and encouragement. Thank you! When I saw that this story has now reached 1k, I couldn't believe it. The reason this Author's note is at the beginning and  not the end, is because we have now reached the point in this story where that mature rating is coming into play. YES! Ladies and Gent, WE HAVE SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER! (It's marked just in case you don't want to read it) It's my way of making up for almost giving most of you a heart attack. So, enjoy this nice long smutty chapter!!!!

Kikah's POV:

After a few more hours of observation they finally let us take RoRo home. Taemin had Minho take his SUV, so that he could take the others home. While Taemin rode with Aurora and I.

Carefully, he carried her sleeping body to the car and gently placed her in her car-seat. We stopped by a 24hr pharmacy to get her prescriptions filled, before making a quick stop at the dorm; so Taemin could grab some things he needed.

He would be staying at my place until our daughter completely recovered. This scared us both, beyond anything we could have ever imagined and for that reason I understood why he wanted to stay at my place.

I stayed in the car with Aurora while he quickly ran into his apartment. In a short 10 minutes, he was making his way back to us with a large duffel bag and a sleepy, pajama clad, Key.

I popped the trunk and stepped out the car.

"They let her go home?" perplexed Key. "I thought they would keep her longer. My poor little princess. Is she awake?"

"No." Sighed Taemin. "The doctor cleared her to go home but we have to give her medicine every six hours for pain and swelling. They warned us that it's going to make her drowsy."

"Oh." Key sympathized. "Well, if you guys get overwhelmed and need a break to sleep or anything, let us know and we'll take over for you, for a while."

I nodded my head and gave Key a hug. He opened the back door and gave Aurora a kiss on the forehead, then walked back towards the apartment.

Deciding to let Taemin drive, I sat in the back with our daughter; watching as she continued to sleep soundly.

I looked out the window into the starry night. The moon had a red tint to it. I remembered that I heard on the news this morning, that for the next 3 nights there would be a blood moon.

'I never thought I'd see one though. It's actually really pretty.'

We pulled up to my apartment and Taemin grabbed both Aurora and his bag. I had offered to carry it, but he told me he had it. He always tried to carry everything, both literally and figuratively, when faced with a crisis or stressful situation. I hated when he got like this, but I know that's how he dealt with stress.

That night we both fell into a restless sleep, almost immediately after setting our alarms to go off in six hours.

'The next few days are going to be hell.'

Or, at least, that was what I had thought. Actually, it wasn't so bad. The worst was probably waking my baby up, so she could eat or go to the bathroom. The doctor didn't want us to give her a bath while she was on such heavy meds. So, instead I gave her a sponge bath and changed her pajamas.

Honestly, it became routine in less than a day. Resulting in Taemin and I finding ourselves, well, bored. Neither one of us wanted to leave the house, for anything. Due to Aurora's throat still being slightly swollen, the doctor only wanted her to have baby food and liquids. So I didn't have to cook. Me and Taemin were fine, Key had dropped by to bring us food he'd made for us and to check on RoRo.

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