The Weekend

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Taemin's POV:

The weekend was finally here and, as promised, we were headed to my parents. I got to Kikah's house early--really early, because I wanted to beat any traffic up the road. We had a long drive ahead. Well, not that long, but long enough. My parents lived in Incheon, so it was going to take about an hour to get there. Providing, there was no traffic.

Lucky for me, we did, in fact, beat the traffic.

I looked in my center mirror, smiling as Aurora looked less than enthused to be up so early. Yawning, she stretched as well as she could in a car seat and slowly her eyes drifted closed.

I turned my attention back on the road and noticed that the highway had been rerouted to only one lane. There were construction signs everywhere. So merging over into the only lane, before mine ran out, I pulled behind another car. There was a long line now and it was barely moving.

'I guess we'll be getting there later than I thought.'

Movement to my right caught my attention, so turning my head I saw Kikah stretch. Then watched as she got comfortable and fell fast asleep.

Reaching behind me into the backseat, I pulled out my neck pillow and carefully lifted her head and placed it around her.

Once I was sure Kikah was as comfortable as she could be in a car, I looked back to check on my baby.

She had her head leaning back against the headrest of her car seat with her little mouth slightly open, snoring lightly.

The traffic was beginning to let up. So, I slowly began to press on the accelerator, as my girls slept away.

'I wonder if this is how my dad must've felt every time we went on trips  and everyone but him fell asleep. While he had to stay up and drive.'

It was another half hour before the exit to my parent's place came up. Taking it, I turned down the familiar pathway and pulled into the driveway.

"We here." I whispered in Kikah's ear as I nudged her shoulder.

Hitting my hand away playfully, she stretched. "No touching," she yawned as she undid her seat belt.

Laughing, I got out the car and opened the back door. Aurora had woken up, so I didn't have to carry her. Instead, I grabbed our bags and together we all walked to the front door.

My parents snatched open the door before we could even ring the bell.

'I bet they were watching from the window.'

Swooping down, my mom immediately hugged Aurora.

"AH!! Look at my beautiful granddaughter!" she gushed. "You look just like your appa when he was your age." Aurora hugged her back shyly.

"Hi" She began. "I'm Auwowa. You're my gwranma?"

My mom beamed. "Aish, you are so smart. Yes, honey. Grandma and grandpa know all about you. We haven't seen you or your mommy in such a long time and we missed you so much! The last time you were here you were still in your mommy's tummy, you know?"

Picking my daughter up, she rattled on and on about all the wonderful things they would do today and all the food she was going to make.

Already, Aurora had stolen my mother's heart; while Kikah and I still stood at the door.

"Did she just completely forget about us?" Kikah asked astonished.

My dad took her bag and led us inside.

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