Bonding & Binging

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Kikah's POV:

I made it home in record time. Kicking off my shoes, I sank into my bed and cried. Everything I had pent up from the last 3 years, cascaded down my cheeks in teary rivulets. Not knowing what else to do, I pulled out my phone and dialed.

It rang twice before it was answered. I didn't even wait for a hello, before I cried out. "I told him about Aurora. Well, I didn't have to tell him. He saw us and figured it out—"

"Where are you now?"

"At home. I'm letting Roro spend the night with Taemin, so they can bond." I sniffled, clinging to my phone like it was a lifeline.

"Alright, give me ten minutes and I'll be right over. I'm going to bring Amber—and some liquor."

"Thanks, Irene." I hiccuped.

"Girl, you do not have to thank me. I'm just doing what best friends do best," chided Irene. "I'll see you in ten." After that, we hung up and I changed into my pajamas.

Soon there was a knock on my door and I smiled as I went to let them in.

They were early.

She told me ten minutes, yet she got here in five. I really hope she didn't speed but knowing her, that's exactly what she did.

"Someone ordered a pity party?" Laughed Amber, as they walked through the door.

They were both wearing their pajamas and I had to laugh. Amber and those damn Kuzco Llama footie PJs will be the death of me.

"Let's get this party started. We got the liquor and you got the tea," added Irene. She began pouring us all a glass of soju. We never drink it straight out the bottle, we're classy.

Once our drinks were in hand, we all took a seat in my room. I sat on my bed, as Irene spread out on my chaise and Amber laid across the end of my bed.

"God, I don't even know where to start," I exasperated.

"How about from the beginning," suggested Amber, as she took a lazy swig of her soju.

Nodding my head, I began. "Well, I guess you could say it started when I ran into Taemin in the hallway at the studio. We talked for a little bit and he apologized for everything. It made me cry—and that made him kiss me." At that, I took a sip from my glass.

"He kissed you?" Exclaimed Irene

"Yeah, he did. He grabbed my ass too—hard." I added with an uncomfortable giggle, as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Exactly what were YOU doing while he was doing all of this?" Questioned Amber, slyly.

Covering my face with my hands, I squeaked. "Kissing him back. I think I pulled his hair too." I could feel my face turning red.

"With tongue?" Emphasized Amber and I nodded my head.

Shaking her head, a bugged eyed Irene took a huge gulp of liquor and exclaimed. "Wait a minute. So, you mean to tell me--you and TAEMIN made out like horny teenagers in the hallway? Then what happen?"

"I punched him in the face," I shrugged.

At my admission, Amber spit out the liquor she was drinking while Irene choked on hers. I took a bigger gulp of soju and quickly began to explain the rest.

10 minutes later:

"And once he asked everyone to leave, that's when I told him the real reason I never told him about Aurora. He took it well--he really did. Anyway, I felt like shit. So, to make me feel better he told me some really personal stuff. I also caught how he made sure to state that he and NaEun had broken up. Did you guys know that?"

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