Manic Panic: Part 1

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A/N: Sorry this chapter is kind've short. It's more like a bridge to the next chapter though.

3rd person POV:

Dimly flickering lights and the dull sound of slow dripping water were the first things that greeted NaEun, as she sluggishly gained consciousness. Her back ached and her head throbbed painfully, in time with the dripping water.

She could feel the crusted dried blood, from the gash she sustained when her head collided with the steering wheel, as it trailed from the side of her head down to her chin. Tightening the skin around it uncomfortably with her every unconscious wince at the pain.

She wanted to run her hands over the wound to inspect the damage but found herself unable. Laughing bitterly, she tugged uselessly at the handcuffs that kept her from her task.

They had handcuffed her to an unforgiving steel chair.

She tried to move her feet, to at least stretch her legs, but found that they too had been handcuffed. One to each front leg of the painful torture device that masqueraded as a chair.

Humorlessly, she laughed.

Slowly, her eyes drifted around the room taking in as much as she could see in the dim light. The entire room was made of some sort of metal. Aside from the empty shelves lining its walls, there were no windows of any kind.

A second chair loomed 2 feet in front of her, just out of reach. Well, if she could have reached it. She again, tugged on the restraints and yet again found that they gave no slack. Giving up, she went back to her perusal of her confinement finding nothing different.

However, it was the door that gave her pause. It looked like any other steel door but lacked any sort of handle. Which told NaEun one thing, she was trapped. She deduced that where ever they had taken her was probably abandoned and she was probably in a basement of some kind.

In fact, taking a better look at her surroundings it clicked that they had her in some sort of freezer, or maybe a meat locker.

She had to give it to them, they had thought this one through. Her own plan for Kikah had been similar and she had to wonder if that bulldyke Irene planned to torture her as well. She seemed to take great pleasure in assaulting her at Taemin's and snatching out her hair--follicle by precious follicle. There was no reason she could think of that would've said otherwise.

Sighing, she figured she'd just have to wait and see. She knew that they had to have something planned or else they would've just killed her already. Unless, where they had her was air tight. Which meant that she would slowly suffocate.

Shaking her head, she tried to clear her mind of the thought. None of them had the balls to pull that off. Well, maybe Key did but he wasn't the one who had tricked her, it was them.

He was probably to busy burying his dogs to take part in any of this. This whole thing reeked of Irene and her half-wit lackey Amber. Her mind drifted to how long she had been unconscious and exactly how much time had passed. Looking around, she tried to find something that could possibly help her to escape but came up with nothing.

It seemed that they had made sure to clean the place thoroughly before they brought her here. Making sure to remove anything that could be helpful to her. There wasn't even a spec of dirt!

Her mind drifted to Taemin and if he had any knowledge of Irene's actions. She knew that no matter what he wasn't heartless enough to do something like this to her. That, no matter what she did, he wouldn't actually hurt her.

She reasoned with herself that somewhere deep inside he loved her and if she could just free herself from captivity and Irene's evil clutches, she could make him see that. That, just like the first time, he would believe her and leave Kikah to renew their relationship.

At that thought, she smiled. She would get Taemin back and once he was hers again, she would make all of his friends and that bitch who stole her life, disappear.

Grinning at her plan, she began to laugh hysterically. Looking for all the world like a homicidal maniac that had gotten away with the perfect murder. However, her sinister joyous moment was cut short as the metal door began to creak open and a shadowy figure made their way inside. The dim light acting as a shield to keep their face from her view.

Slowly, they walked toward the light and took a seat in the only other chair in the room.

Gasping, she shook her head. Not wanting to believe what her eyes were seeing as their face became visible in the dim lighting.

It wasn't Irene or even Amber, like she thought it would have been.

Shocked, she whispered only one name, but it was enough. Even as she spoke, it knocked the air from her lungs and made it hard to breathe. "Taemin." She rasped.

Watching in horror as he pulled out a service pistol and sat it on his lap. Giving her the coldest grin, she had ever seen, he smirked. "NaEun, I think it's time you and I had a serious talk."

It was in this moment NaEun felt betrayed, felt as if someone had slapped her. Taemin was not supposed to have been the one to open the door. It all clicked that it had been him all along. This was his plan. Reeling at her new-found revelation, anger began to build in her.

It began to dawn on her that maybe--just maybe--she may have pushed him too far. That her attempts at getting him back might have gone overboard just a tad. The man that faced her now looked like Taemin but was much colder than he could ever have been.

Gone was the smile that went all the way up to his eyes, that she used to love so much. In its place stood a cold stare and menacing smirk that promised nothing but pain, if she said the wrong words.

Here sat a man that had every intention of keeping his family safe, at all cost. For the first time, NaEun found herself actually afraid of just what he may do to her.

It was in this moment of clarity, that NaEun knew she had fucked up.

"So, I'm only going to ask you this once." Taemin began, his cold voice echoing off the bare walls of the room. "What made you think it was okay to go after me? After my family. What made you decide within that feeble peanut little head of yours, that you would try and take my world from me? And I suggest you really think about your answer before you open your mouth."

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