This Is It

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Kikah's POV:

As you would expect time flew by, but I wasn't complaining. Today was THE day. I was officially 22 weeks; and that meant I could find out the sex of the baby. Nervous couldn't even begin to describe how I felt.

I was a train wreck and grumpy because I couldn't get the one thing I was craving most, In N Out.

There was just no way I could chance it. Not after receiving that text from Key this morning, letting me know that they were here.

Damn them, and their concerts, and their incessant need to always go to In N Out every time they come to LA.

'Well, at least he warned me,' I shrugged.

In fact, ever since finding out about my pregnancy everyone has been checking on me, sending me and the baby things, and making sure not to tell "He who shall not be named."

I had officially forbidden anyone from saying that name around me. I don't like it and neither does my baby. It makes us both queasy and angry every time we hear it.

At that last thought, I rubbed my protruding belly and posed in front of the mirror.

I know most women felt fat or just ugly at this stage, but the truth was I felt empowered. I was a Goddess, mother, and the bringer of life. Within my womb life has begun and from it a new generation of Williams will be birthed. I felt powerful and from what everyone has told me, I'm carrying quite well.

My hair is shiny and thick, my skin is glowing, and even my hazel eyes seem like they are just a bit brighter.

Maybe it's not just because I'm pregnant but also happy.

I did a little twirl in the cute maternity outfit Kibum sent me. It was a burgundy bohemian tunic with black leggings and I loved it. It reminded me of the kind of outfits I used to walk the runway in, during my time in Korea.

I kind of missed modeling. Even though it had started out of necessity, so that I could pay for school, I grew to love it in no time. The pay was great and sometimes I got to keep the clothes.

Looking back on everything, I understand why my father refused to pay for my tuition there. It wasn't because he didn't love me; it was to make me a stronger person and appreciate things more.

I understood that now and I hoped that I can instill those same values into my child.

Sighing, I gave one last glance in the mirror and adjusted my gold laurel leaf headband. Grabbing my keys, I headed for the door. Not paying attention to what was on the other side, I ran smack into a solid mass and rubbed my forehead.

"Oww! What the F—" I started to yell, only to have the words die on my lips. My pained grimace turned into a grin.

"JONGHYUN!" I screamed, excitement coursing through me. I facetime him all the time, but I hadn't actually seen him or Key since I left Korea.

Laughing, he hugged me tight yet careful of my growing belly.

"I know you didn't think I was going to be here in your city and not come to see you?" He laughed. "Besides, its not every day you get to find out if your having a little prince or princess and I wanted to be here for that," he smiled brightly.

"I missed you guys so much," I sniffled.

Damn these hormones!

"Ugh, I hate being so emotional. You know, last night I actually cried at a cereal commercial? This kid is turning me into a basket case," I whined trying hard not to pout or ugly cry.

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