A Day In The Life

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Kikah's POV:

Waking up with no Aurora in the house was weird, but I was glad she was spending time with her father. I, on the other hand, got to spend most of the morning going through each of my employees personnel files and productivity reports. After careful examination, it appeared that I was going to have to fire at least 10 people.

I really hated having to do this but if you aren't doing your job then someone else can, and will. Anyone that was not just as determined to see this company grow and help make it the best it could be, was not someone I needed working here.

I called for Evaine and, once she was in my office, had her to schedule a meeting with everyone. She also alerted security to what was about to take place, just in case. The last thing I needed was a disgruntled ex-employee causing drama in my building. So, security would be making sure that things stayed orderly.

Before I left my office to head to the meeting room, I faxed over the finalized contract to both JYP and YG's offices. I needed those documents signed and notarized, so that I could began delivering the necessary products to their make-up artist. As per our agreement they would have their artist endorse my products on demand at every interview, industry event, or video/photo-shoot. In return, they would receive all Neris products at a discounted rate and have early access to new and unreleased products. It was an agreement that ensured every walked away happy.

They had been more than agreeable to negotiate a deal with me after seeing the wonderful reviews the SM idols have been receiving on their skin. Ever eager to compete the other two of the big three had to have those same products and sought me out. All I had to do was answer a conference call and seal the deal.

So, after I happily faxed over the contracts, I walked to the meeting room. My employees were already seated; so, I walked up to the podium, standing beside Irene. I realized quickly, by some of the sneers that I was receiving, they had no idea who I even was. It was my own fault really. I had been so hellbent on not coming back to Seoul and facing my past, that I let Irene run everything. Even though they knew she wasn't the owner, they recognized her as the CEO and head of Neris. They only knew of me in name only. Honestly, they probably figured that I was like all other American business owners who owned foreign conglomerates, completely reliant on their team of CEO's. Whelp, I was about to change that narrative.

Clearing my throat, I stepped up to the podium and lowered the mic a bit.

Carefully, and with a pleasant smile plastered serenely on my face, I began my introduction. "Good morning everyone. I'm glad that you could all attend this meeting on such short notice. First, since I am aware that most if not all of you have no idea who I am, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Kikah Williams, CEO and owner of Neris beauty and Neris incorporated."

Ha! Take that bitches!

At their gasps of shock, I smirked and continued. "I brought you all here this afternoon, to let you know that there will be some changes within this facility. Large ones. It has not escaped my attention, or that of acting CEO Irene's, that not everyone here has been doing their job adequately. If there is any employee here that does not believe in my vision for this company and does not wish to do the job they are paid to do, then they will be removed and replaced."

I signaled to Evaine and she began to pass out folders to everyone in the room.

Once everyone had their folder, with a haughty smirk that belied the gut punch that I was about to give them all, I calmly wrapped up my lengthy speech. "Each folder you have received contains one of two things. For some of you, it will be a bonus for a job well done. For others, it will be a formal separation from the company and, of course, your severance for services rendered. Those of you who have been fired, will have an hour to pack your belongings and vacate the premises. Please turn in all keys and badges to your supervisors. I would also like to note that should you take any longer than the given hour, you will be physically escorted off the property by security. Should you try and come back after today, it will be considered trespassing and you will be detained by the authorities."

Maybe next time they'll do their damn jobs.

After that, I made my way to the door. Determined to get the hell out of this building for a while. I was hungry and some of them were pissed. I bid everyone a good afternoon, then Irene, Evaine, and I, took our leave.

We met Amber at a cute little bistro not far from the office.

"I think once the building is cleared, I'll send out a memo letting everyone know that they'll have the day off tomorrow. I don't want some disgruntled employee coming back into the building and shooting it up." I sighed with a slight cringe at the thought. It seemed like every time I turned on the news lately there was some shooting. I didn't want Neris to be on the news for some sort of office shootout led by a jilted employee.

"I think that's a good idea." Agreed Amber.

The waiter brought out our food and refilled our drinks.

"Also, it might not be a bad idea to change all the locks on the building and issue everyone new badges." Added Irene, thoughtfully. "Oh, I almost forgot. I volunteered you to walk the runway Fashion week. It's still weeks away, just in case you don't want to do it, but I really hope you would."

I thought it over. I really did miss the runway and would love to do it at least one more time. You know, for old times sake, but I was mogul now and modeling didn't really benefit my company or my brand. And that was where my focus was now, building my brand. Well, building my brand and ensuring generational wealth for my daughter and her daughter, and so on. I wanted to make sure that my family was taken care of for long after I had left this earth.

A light went off in my mind. I could totally make this work for me and, even better, make Irene be the one to do it. Since, she had so graciously volunteered me for the job anyway.

Looking to her, I began. "Sure. I'd love to do it, but on one condition. The designers have to agree to use all Neris products on their models the day of the show. Print work excluded, of course."

Smiling, Irene praised. "Kikah that's brilliant! I'll see what I can do and get back to you on that one."

"Yeah, that's cool and all," started Amber with a mischievous grin. "But I want to finish the conversation we had last night." Then she looked at me and I shifted in my seat uneasily. "Since the last person you were with was Taemin, we really need to get you back in the dating game. I say, when your ready let me know and I hook you up on a blind date."

"Wouldn't it be better for her to download tinder?" Asked Irene as she casually took a sip of her wine.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." Agreed Amber thoughtfully.

'Are they really talking about me, right in front of me, without actually talking to me?'

They spend the next 45 minutes talking about the app and me. After a while, I tuned them out and let my mind wonder.

I was curious to know how Taemin's first day with our daughter was going. So, taking out my phone I made myself a memo to make copies of all her baby pictures for him. I mean, I know it was something he would want now. And maybe I could make him a photo album with cliff notes below all the pictures of what happened or led to the picture being taken. I also made a note to go through my old phone and send him some videos of Aurora. Especially, the video of when she got sick and projectile vomited smashed peas all over both Amber and Jjong.

Oh, Taemin would just love that one. I just hope he never shows Jonghyun. I mean, I did swear I would delete the video. Still can't believe he cried more than Aurora and she was the one with the tummy-ache!

After locking my phone, I wondered exactly what they were all doing right at this moment.

"Girl, mostly gay men use grindr! Does Kikah look like a gay man to you?" Shouted Irene and people in the bistro began to stare at us and I took a gulp of my wine nervously.

'Why are they like this?'


A/N: The official Neris Beauty commercial is here! Don't forget to check out our website https://www.nerisbeauty.com and follow us on instagram nerisbeautyinc!

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