When A Stranger Calls

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Kikah's POV:

I had been sleeping good, better than just good. It was hands down some of the best sleep I've had in the last 3 days. My whole body was relaxed, and I felt at peace.

I should've known that moments like these never lasted.

The sound of my phone ringing drew me out of dreamland. Groggily, I reached out and felt around for it. Finally, after a few swipes around my bed and nightstand, my fingers grazed over the device and I picked it up.

The first thing I noticed was that it was well past 3 am and the next was that it was a number that I didn't recognize. Slowly, I unlocked the screen, hit the accept button and placed the phone to my ear.

I didn't know who in the hell would be calling me at 3 in the morning, but the idea of it made my stomach drop to my toes. I couldn't stop thinking about every worse case scenario. My mind was running in circles at the idea that someone I loved could've gotten hurt, or worse.

Hesitantly, I whispered. "Hello," while I prayed that this wasn't that  type of call. I prayed that it was a wrong number or something to that degree.

Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I reached over and turned on the lamp that sat on my nightstand.

"Hello." Responded the feminine voice in a pleasant but professional manner. "I'm looking for a Kikah Williams."

"This is she." I confirmed softly, but now a lot more concerned. I heard as my door clicked. Turning my head in its direction I watched as a sleepy Jonghyun walked in and sat on the end of my bed.

Looking at me confused, He mouth "Who is it?"

Shrugging my shoulders, I pulled the phone from my ear and put it on speaker.

The woman's voice flooded my otherwise quiet room.

"I'm a nurse at Seoul Regional Medical center." She began, and my heart dropped. I felt as Jong pulled my hand into his and gave it a reassuring squeeze. It felt as if my world was going to come crashing down all around me with whatever her next words would be. All I could do was make a small sound at the back of my throat, to let her know that I had heard her and was still on the phone.

Already, I could feel my head becoming lighter than air as my heartbeat continued to increase by the second.

"I'm calling because a Taemin Lee has been in an accident and you were listed as his contact." She supplied. "We need you to come down to the hospital immediately, Ms. Williams."

Her words kept circling through my head furiously. Accident, Taemin had been in an accident. Tightly, I shut my eyes. Attempting to drown out the words she had just spoken. I could feel the tears building behind my lids, mounting in pressure and threatening to fall at any moment.

This was a nightmare come true.

Her soft voice pulled me from my inner turmoil. "Do you have a pen and paper Ms. Williams?" She asked. "So that you can take down the address to the hospital."

Quickly, I ran a hand across my face and searched around for something to write with. Once I had both paper and pen, I found my eyes drifting up to Jonghyun's. He held a contemplative look on his face, he looked neither worried nor fearful of the situation.

Quietly, He held up his hand before I could ask anything and just signaled to me to write down the address. He was being so unlike himself and I couldn't figure out why.

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