For The Culture

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3rd Person POV:

2 weeks had gone by and things were starting to become routine for both parents. Whenever he could, Taemin would spend time with Aurora. If he couldn't physically be there, then he would call or facetime the toddler. The same went for the other Shinee members. They all took turns spending time with their little niece.

Minho had called Kikah to ask if he could take Aurora for the day. He wanted to teach her how to play soccer.

He had even bought her a uniform. The young mother readily agreed since she had wanted to get some things done at the office. At noon, he picked up the little girl and took her to the park.

There, he explained the rules and how to play. Since she had been such a fast learner,  he quickly taught her how to maneuver the ball while running. They were having a great time. He would kick the ball to her and run along side her as she practiced what he had taught her.  However,  she misjudged the distance from the ball to her foot and went crashing to the ground. Painfully, scraping her knee  as she hit the patchy park ground, and getting grass stains on her once clean blue uniform.

For a while, she made no sound. Only clutching her tiny knee as small beads of blood filled the fresh wound. Then, all hell broke loose.

Big tear drops rained down her tiny face as she cried hysterically. Throwing her head back she wailed about her knee.  Even rolling around on the ground dramatically, as she held her little knee for dear life.

Desperately, Minho tried everything to calm the toddler.  Even trying to bribe her with ice cream and candy hadn't worked to stop her tears.

"Aurora, what can I do to make it better?" He pleaded, wanting nothing but to make her feel better and stop her tears.

Wiping at her tear streaked face, even as more tears continued to fall, she cried woefully, "I whant my daddy!" and began to wail harder.

"Okay, princess. Let's get you to your father"

Taemin's POV:

I had just text Minho where I was, when I sat down in the chair. I was waiting for the stylist to figure out what they wanted to with my hair. I was on set for my photoshoot with Style magazine.

There was no real theme to the shoot, just me surrounded by women. However, since the photographer was a fickle man he changed his mind mid-shoot; claiming it didn't have the right feel.

I was brought out of my musings, when a small body came barreling into my chest.

"Daddy" cried Aurora, as she sat in my lap and hugged me. She buried her face between my neck and shoulder, sobbing her little eyes out. I could feel her tears studiedly seeping through my shirt.

Gently, I pulled her back so that I could look her over.

"What happened baby?" I asked concerned.

"I fwell" she cried. "I ont like soccer."She pouted scrubbing the tears from her eyes with one balled up little fist.

With her other hand, she showed me her knee. It had gotten scrapped up pretty badly. So, she must have fallen kind of hard.

I looked over at my hyung, who waited by the dressing room door. I could tell that he felt bad. So, I had to at least try and ease some of his guilt.

"But, before you fell, was soccer fun?" I asked carefully. I could tell Minho was listening and anticipating her answer.

She nodded her head. "Rweary fun." At her admission, Minho perked up.

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