A Conversation In The Making

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Kikah's POV:

After the debacle that happened at the studio with Taemin, ending my day with Aurora at Pororo Land was just what I needed. It was fun. We rode all the rides and visited all the character's houses. She took pictures with Loopy and Eddy, even sang along with Pororo himself.

We got home late and after a quick meal, it was time to put Aurora to bed. I took out her favorite book, filled with old poems and nursery rhymes, a gift from Jonghyun, and sat down next to her on her canopy bed.

"Mommy, When I was ost today a weawry nice man found me." She revealed. Jjong had told me what happened, and I scolded her on why she couldn't run off. However, I hadn't known that part though, that someone else had found her before the stylist.

"Oh? Well, did he tell you his name?" I asked. I was curious to see just who she had ran into. It had to have been someone who worked there or another idol, because those were the only people in the building.

She shook her head and I tried not to laugh as her cute little curls fluttered around her face and shoulders.

"Hmm. Do you remember what he looked like?" I asked honestly intrigued and trying to get some idea of who it could've been.

"A pwince. I like 'is shmile." She gushed cutely and that made me smile.

I pulled the covers up to her chin and placed a kiss upon her brow. Getting comfortable myself, I opened the book to the marked poem and began to read. "Wynken, Blynken, and Nod one night sailed off in a wooden shoe. Sailed on a river of crystal light into a sea of dew—"

By the time I had finished the poem, she was fast asleep and snoring lightly. I turned off her lamp but left on the nightlight and walked out of her room.

Going into the kitchen I prepared to pour myself a glass of wine but my phone started to ring. Looking at the screen, I didn't recognize the number. However, since not many people had this number, I figured it had to be either someone who knew me or someone from the office.

"Hello." I spoke politely into the receiver. Only to freeze at the sound of the voice on the other end.

"Kikah, we need to talk." There was something in his voice that put me on edge.

"I don't think there's anything left for us to talk about Taemin and how did you get my number anyway," I bit out contritely. I could hear him scoff on the other end and it pissed me off.

"I got your number from Key." He bit back with just as much venom. "There's one important thing that we DO need to talk about and that's Aurora"

Oh shit, he knew, but how?

Taking my silence as his sign to continue, he asked softly almost pleadingly. "I really want to talk about this tonight. Could you come to the dorm?"

I nodded my head but soon after remembered that he couldn't see me through the phone and quickly replied. "Yeah, that's fine. Just let me grab Aurora and I'll be there in ten minutes."

I ended the call, changed clothes, grabbed Aurora a change of clothes and a few other things, and headed to her room.

However, she was sleeping so well I didn't have the heart to wake her. Instead, I picked her up and carried her to my car. The whole drive to Shinee's dorm I was nervous and didn't know what to expect. I'm just glad he asked to meet him there and not at his house. At least at the dorm, Key and Jonghyun would be there and that gave me some measure of comfort.

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