And So, It Begins

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Taemin's POV:

I was in the middle of a fantastic dream. I had taken Aurora and Kikah on a picnic at the beach. We were happy, and we were a family. Unfortunately, something kept jabbing me in the face and poking me in the nose.

Grunting, I pushed the offensive object away. Yet, It came back; poking me, again and again. Only this time, it was accompanied by a little giggle.

Cracking open an eye, I was met with the curious and wide-awake stare of Aurora. She wore a rambunctious toothy grin upon her cute little face. Her hair was all over her head and at some point, in the night her PJs had twisted and bunched around her waist.

Smiling, I greeted. "Good morning, Auwowa" trying my best to imitate the way she had told me her name. "Do you remember me?" I asked.

She nodded.

I ran my hand through her hair, as we faced each other in the bed.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked her curiously. I knew she didn't but I wanted to use it as an opener before I told her. I tried not to show how nervous I was, but it was hard not to fidget under her thoughtful gaze.

She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. Well, only one shoulder, since she was laying on her side.

Cupping her cheek, I traced small circles with my thumb. This was it, the moment I had been anticipating. Softly, I spoke. "I'm your daddy, princess."

"Wealry?" She asked hopefully. Her eyes widened when I nodded my head. Gently, I kissed her forehead. I had thought all night about what I had wanted to say, how I wanted to say it and if she would take it well. My mind slipped back to Key's advice and I started to explain in the way he had suggested.

"I'm so sorry that I haven't been around much but it doesn't mean that I don't love. I do. I promise to be around a whole lot more now. Would you like that?" I explained carefully as I gauged her reaction.

"Uh-huh," she nodded her head excitedly. Then her little faced scrunched up as she appeared to be in thought about something. I guess she must have figured out whatever she was thinking about. Looking at me, she called "Daddy?"

Hearing that from her little mouth spread warmth throughout my entire body. I felt like I was glowing from the inside out. Now I could empathize with how the Grinch must have felt the day his heart grew three sizes. This moment would be forever engraved in my memory. Nothing could ruin it.

"Yes, princess?" I inquired with a soft smile.

"Is tdat why mommy cwry?" She waited for me to answer expectantly.

I was shocked, but I shouldn't have been. Key did tell me she was sharp. I just hadn't been expecting her to be that damn perceptive. I didn't really know how to respond to that but, to be honest, I didn't want to lie to her either. I thought about the ways I could answer that question in a way she would understand. I didn't want her to hate me, but I couldn't withhold the truth from her. This was all my fault and I had to man up. I was a father now, and I didn't want to start this journey off with a half-truth or a flat-out lie. My daughter, no matter how young, deserved to hear the truth from me and that was what I was going to tell her.

Taking a deep breath, I answered as best as I could. "Yeah, baby, I think so. And I want to fix that. I said some very mean and hurtful things to mommy a long time ago. Things I shouldn't have, and it made her sad. But, I want to fix it; I want to do whatever I can to make you and mommy happy. I don't want either of you to cry—not because of me—ever again."

"You say sworry." She demanded more than asked. Her face was set and her little brows creased to showcase her displeasure, as she wagged her finger at me.

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