Party's Over

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Taemin's POV:

It didn't take me long to get back to our villa. I was determined to put the embarrassing debacle at the store behind me. Crossing over the threshold of the door, I made my way to the kitchen.

I'll be the first to admit that I can't cook worth shit, but I can mix up some good drinks and that's what I planned to do. I washed up the coconuts then split them open. Quickly, I washed and cut up all the fruits I would need. This was our last night here in paradise and I wanted to do something special for Kikah.

Something that I didn't just go out and buy. I wanted to make something for her from my own two hands and creativity. I placed the fruit and pina colada mix in the blender. Adding some melon liquor, cotton candy/cherry vodka, ice and pine apple juice.

I thought a lot about what I wanted to do and how I wanted to execute it all. This was about more than just sex. For me, this was about love and celebration. Kikah was a year older, we were back together, and our love was stronger than its ever been before. That and I've always wanted to do this for her and never got the chance to until now.

I made the drinks and placed them in the freezer while I went to change. I peeked in the bedroom to see Kikah still watching a movie with her head phones still on.


I don't even think she knows I'm back yet and that's the way I want it. Thank God she watches movies with the volume full blast or it would've ruined my plans.

Quickly, I oiled myself down. I wanted my muscles to glisten under the dimly lit room. Once satisfied, I changed into my outfit. Well, if you could call it that. I looked like a magic mike extra.

I walked back to the kitchen and grabbed the drinks. I placed little pink umbrellas in each one and topped them with more fruit and the rest of the coconut I didn't use. I threw some flowers around each coconut cup, to try and make it look cute. I saw that they did something similar at the restaurant and thought I'd try it. It did look nice, a lot nicer than I expected it to look.

Now all that was left was to get Kikah's attention and I knew just how to do it. Taking one of the bottlecaps from the now empty vodka bottles, I launched it in the other room, hitting her right in the forehead.

"Motherfucker!" She shouted, rubbing the center of her head. "Taemin! I know you did that on purpose, you asshole!"

"Come here." I shouted back, trying not to laugh. "I want to show you something."

"Fuck you!" she yelled back. "Show yourself to the couch tonight and that's where your ass better stay too." She bit out angerly.

"Baby, please." I begged. I hit the music once I heard her huff out  "fine". Then, I hid behind the curtains.

She walked into the room and took one of the drinks. She quickly read the note I wrote and took a seat. Sipping her drink, she sighed. "Well? I'm waiting Tae."

I took that as my cue to take the makeshift stage.

"Did you make these drinks?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah, you like it?" I hesitantly responded.

Nodding, she cooed. "I see you haven't lost your touch. I missed when you would make us drinks like this."

I laughed as I came from behind the curtains. Watching as Kikah's eyes lit up with amusement.

"Baby why are you dressed like a Chippendale's stripper?" She giggled, raising an eyebrow and taking another sip of her drink.

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