Paying The Tribute

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Taemin's POV:

I had just hung up with Kikah, when Irene's irate voice reverberated off the walls of my dorm living room. I had called a meeting with everyone so that we could try and figure out what to do about NaEun.

So, here we all sat in my living room hashing around ideas and complaining about all that this crazy bitch has done to some of us. However, not everyone was here. Jonghyun had left earlier and after talking to Kikah, now I know why, and Key had yet to walk through the dorm's door.

"I can't believe this shit." Yelled Irene. "So, tell me why I got a call from the health department today."

Shaking her head, she recounted. "They told me that they were giving me a curtesy call, to let me know that 2 of my hotels are going to be investigated for possible health code violations."

"Are you SERIOUS?" gasped Amber, taking a sip of soju and leaning further forward in her chair.

"What for?" I asked. I just couldn't believe it. Everyone knew how much of a germaphobe Irene was. So, there's no way any of her hotels wouldn't be up to code. It all just sounded suspicious, especially the timing of it all.

"Apparently," fumed Irene. "Someone called in anonymously and said that my hotels have roaches and that we're feeding customers rat meat disguised as bulgogi. I can't believe this shit!" Angered she threw her cup onto the floor. It bounced across the carpet before rolling to a stop near my foot. "If this makes the papers, then regardless if it's true or not, it'll ruin me." She lamented.

"We all know that this is NaEun's doing." Comforted Onew, as he reached out to sympathetically pat Irene's shoulder.

He was right, it had to be her. The timing was just to perfectly synced with what she had done to me. Sighing, I took a seat on a bar stool.

Shaking my head, I confessed NaEun's sins against me and my family. "While I took my family to Busan, NaEun broke into my house and killed RoRo's turtle Franklin." I felt several pairs of eyes on me, quietly I continued. "She cut him up and cooked him into a stew."

"Oh my GOD!" Screamed Amber horrified. "The soup on the counter that day, that was--" Pausing, she shook her head. "That bitch is sick."

Nodding my head, I was going to add on to what she said but the sound of the door opening caught my attention. Finally, Key had arrived, and he brought with him both his dogs. Quietly, he sat them down and walked to the kitchen. Taking out two small bowls, he filled them with water and food, before taking a seat on the barstool next to me.

Taking out my phone, I brought up the video and connected it to the T.V. aux cord. So, that it could be seen by everyone in the room. Shaking my head, I hit play and watched their varying reactions. Some winced and some gagged, as they watched NaEun cut off each of Franklin's limbs.

When she took the knife and cracked open the underside of his shell and took what was left of him out, I had to turn away. I could still hear the noises though, the sounds of the knife as it cut through his bones and the sounds of his screams until he finally died. No one said anything as the video went off, we all just sat there in silence.

"Something is seriously wrong with her." Assessed a disturbed Minho. "Who tortures an animal like that?"

"She's psychotic." Added Irene, as she tried not to cry as the last image of the video was still frozen on the screen.

Getting up, I unplugged my phone and placed it back into my pocket. Trying to change the subject, I turned to Key and asked. "What took you so long to get here?"

I thought that he would have a funny story about wine and traffic. I thought, that he would've said something to lighten the mood. However, I thought wrong.

Clearing his throat, he began. "I took Comme Des and Garcon' to the vet." Shuddering, he revealed. "When I went to my apartment to grab some clothes, there were these weird smelling dog biscuits all over the floor. Like, someone had thrown them inside my house, from my window or something."

Taking a deep breath, he took a moment to gather his thoughts, before he continued with his story. "Anyway, I went to the window and sure enough I had left it slightly open. I realized right away that they were not a brand that I buy, and I got worried. So, I grabbed my dogs and some of the biscuits and took them to the vet. I mean, my dogs have a very strict diet for a reason and any little thing could cause them digestive problems, you know?"

At that, we all nodded. Well aware of Key's dogs' digestive issues.

"So, they get examined and everything is fine. I guess they hadn't eaten any of them." He sighed.

"That's because your dogs are snobs." Joked Minho.

Rolling his eyes, Key ignored the jab and finished. "The weird part was--get this--the vet doctor tells me that those biscuits had rat poison in the center. That fucking bitch tried to poison my dogs!" He yelled the last part and slammed his fist on the table.

Taking a deep breath, he calmly explained. "I called my parents. They agreed that they'd watch my dogs for a while. So, after we finish here I'm going to drop them off over there."

Suddenly, my phone's notification sounded. Picking it up, I unlocked my phone. Thinking it was Kikah sending me the picture of her holding a positive pregnancy test, I opened my messages.

Instead, it was NaEun sending another taunting message. This time it was about Key's dogs. She obviously didn't have any idea that his dogs didn't eat the treats.

Sighing, I showed the others the message.

Key scoffed, reading it aloud dryly. "Hahahaha, I killed his bitches." Rolling his eyes, he snidely remarked. "What a dumb bitch. My dogs are boys."

Standing up, Key gave me back my phone and placed his hand over his heart.

Dramatically, he proclaimed. "I offer myself as tribute to murder this bitch."

That broke the seriousness of the situation a little. We all laughed. By the end of the night it was decided unanimously that none of us would go anywhere by ourselves. At least not until we handled NaEun.

This time for good.

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