She Tried It, AGAIN!

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Taemin's POV:

I was at Kikah's, talking with Key and Irene, when I realized I had left Aurora's favorite book back at my apartment. It was in the tote that Kikah made me carry around any time I took RoRo out. I had stopped by my apartment, after our zoo adventure earlier. I needed to change after an incident at the petting zoo.

I was rushing and left it.

So now, I had to go and get the damn thing. Otherwise, there was no way she was going to sleep tonight.

I quickly explained to Kikah what had happened and that I would be back. She said she understood, but thought it would be good if Key and Irene came with me. I didn't mind, 3 pairs of eyes were better than one. I knew it was at my apartment, but I had no idea where I had put it. I was the master at losing or breaking shit. It was how I earned the nickname magic hands, well one of the reasons.

We got to my house pretty quick and started our search.

It dawned on me then, that I had left her tote on the table in my room. So, I made my way to it.

As soon as I walked in, I was greeted with darkness. Which was strange because I always kept the lamp on my nightstand on, to make it look like someone was home.

'I should have known it would have been something!'

Laid across my bed, like she was the queen of Sheba, was a scantily clad NaEun.

Looking at me, she licked her lips. "See something you like?" she purred.

I could feel my dick shrivel up. It looked like, once again, Tyrone and I were in agreement. We were disgusted.

"No, not really. Now I have to burn that comforter set" I commented while rolling my eyes. "Get up and get the hell out of my house."

Folding my arms and raising my brow, I waited.

Getting up, she headed for the door pouting. When she got to it, she closed it and pressed her back against it.

Giggling, she continued undeterred. "I know you miss me, Taemin. No one can ever do to you the things I can." Pushing herself off the door she sauntered her way towards me. Swaying her hips dramatically. She looked ridiculous.

Sighing, I ran my hand through my hair in pure aggravation. She was wearing on my already thin nerves, and before I could stop myself, I snapped. "NaEun, take your delusions and your trash ass pussy and get the fuck out of my house!"

Crossing her arms, she scowled at me. "Fine!" she yelled. Then giving me devious smirk, jeered. "Even if you don't sleep with me, I'll just say you did. I'll even release a video of you and I together, here in your room. Not even a week ago."

"NaEun, I haven't touched you in damn near two years." I laughed humorlessly.

"But Jimin has." She countered slyly.  "Right here, in your room. Under the dim lights and with the right angles, he could pass for you. Imagine the scandal and that's exactly what I'll do if you don't give me what I want." She threatened, taking a step towards me.

The closer she came to me, the more I backed up. I wanted to put as much distance between this bitch and me as humanly possible.

"It'll be my word against yours." I stated, "and since we all know your word ain't shit, I doubt too many people will believe you. At least, not the ones that matter."

"Kikah will." she challenged. "Face it TaeTae, after you threw her away like that. Do you really think that she trusts you?" At that, she laughed. "Please. She knows she can never compare to me and it'll always be at the back of her mind; just when were you going to get tired of her and leave her for me, AGAIN"

Inching closer to me, she ran her hand up my arm. "It's cute that your putting up a fight, but I know you want me." She purred. "Don't you want me, Taemin?"

I turned my head to face the door as it slammed open.

"NO BITCH, I WANT YOU!" yelled Irene as she began to pull her hair into a bun. Key was trailing behind her, phone in hand, recording everything.

"I am so tired of your ass CONSTANTLY trying to make shit hard for my best friend and her family." Spoke Irene, as she continued to make her way up to NaEun.

Moving away from me and backing up, NaEun stuttered. "Get away from me Irene or--or I'll call the cops"

"Oh, honey we already did that." Chimed Key. "What you did here, was called breaking and entering. You're going tah jail." Looking at his phone again, he reminded. "Irene, you have about 8 minutes before the cops get here."

"Oh, I'm only going to need 6." She answered. Just then NaEun tried to make a dash for the room door, only to have Irene push her down onto the carpeted room floor. "Bitch where you going?"

Then looking to me, she tilted her head in the direction of the tote. "Taemin, you better get going. It's almost RoRo's bedtime." Then cracking her knuckles, she looked back at a now shaking NaEun. "I got this." she grinned menacingly.

Grabbing the tote, I made my way to the door.

As I left my apartment, I could hear NaEun screaming and Key laughing and yelling. "You always talking about your hair this and your hair that. Now look! Where's your hair NaEun? It's all over the floor! Don't worry I'm sure your company will hook you up with a good synthetic wig. Irene, honey, I'm going to start calling you Tyson."

After a while the screams were drowned out by music. I had no idea that Key liked the Ghetto Boys, but Damn, it feels good to be a gangster, does fit Irene pretty well.

I managed to make it back to Kikah's in time to put Aurora to bed and once she was asleep, I walked into the living room. I was going to give Kikah a kiss goodnight before I headed off to meet Kai.

I found her sitting on the couch with her phone in her hand.

"Hey Tae, Key just sent me a video. Wanna watch it?" she asked. I took a seat next to her on the couch and looked at her screen. I nodded my head and watched as she opened the video.

We both cringed as we watched as Irene snatched out a fist sized plug of NaEun's hair. While simultaneously kneeing her square in the nose. The sickening crunch that immediately followed told us both that it was probably broken. I had to admit after watching Irene upper cut NaEun in the chin and hearing the way her teeth clacked, she and Kikah's fighting styles were similar. Honestly, it was probably because they were friends. Birds of a feather and all.

But even Kikah looked horrified yet morbidly fascinated when Irene delivered a vicious headbutt that sent NaEun to the ground faster than a professional boxer paid by the mafia to take a dive. To celebrate her victory, we watched as she ripped out another plug of NaEun's hair and made it rain down over her prone body; as Key cheered and chanted, 'down goes Fraser!'

We could hear the distant sounds of cop sirens before the video ended.

'Damn, wait until I tell Kai this one.'

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