A Mother's Juggle

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Kikah's POV:

When I went to sleep last night,  Aurora's little leg had been draped over my hip and her elbow digging into my back. Yet, now I found my back crushed against a very firm chest and strong arms were wrapped around me.

I opened my eyes and looked around the dim room.

The sun hadn't risen yet, but there was still enough light to make out that Aurora was not in the bed.

For a second, I panicked thinking the worst possibility. Something that every parent feared. However, just as quick as it had come it fled. All thanks to a few words, mumbled from the now groggily awake man next to me.

"She was having trouble staying asleep without a nightlight. So, I got her something to drink, read her favorite poem, put her back to sleep in her own bed and turned on her nightlight. I also left both her room door and this one, open. Just in case she woke up again." He finished. Then kissing my neck, pulled me back against him.

His body was so warm it bordered on hot. In fact, his lips had been just as warm.

"Baby, go back to sleep" he whispered hoarsely.

Something wasn't right. Taemin was always warmer than me but his body was never this warm.

Turning to face him, I placed the back of my hand against his forehead.

He was burning up!

Sighing, I whispered. "Oh, no Tae. You have a fever."

"Fuck." He rasped. It finally dawned on him. "The air. I forgot to turn the air off before me and RoRo fell asleep." He groaned, rolling onto his back.

Getting out the bed. I pulled the covers up to his neck and kissed his forehead. "Stay in bed." I commanded softly. "I'm going to go check on Aurora, and call Evaine' to let her know to cancel all of my meetings today. Then, I'm going to the market to get you guys some meds."

God, I hoped like hell it was just Taemin who was sick.

Taemin by his self, I could deal with but Aurora added to that would be a nightmare. They were hands down, the worst sick people on the planet.

I made my way to my baby's room and knew, she was sick.

"Mommy, I ont fweel good." Whined my baby as she set up in her bed. Her cheeks were red, so I knew she had a fever. However, just to be sure I checked her temperature. It was 101.4. I went and got an ice pack and wrapping it in a damp cloth, placed it behind her neck.

I couldn't put it on her forehead because she would just take it off, or it would fall off as she slept. Pulling the covers back on her little body, I kissed her forehead and waited until she fell back to sleep before I left the room.

Quickly, I took out my phone as I threw on some shoes and grabbed my keys. I didn't even bother to get dressed. I needed to get to the store and grab some meds and fluids as fast as possible.

There was no need to get pretty; I was simply nurse Williams today. The poor woman who had to deal with the dynamic sickly duo.

I called Evaine' and told her everything. She was going to see if Irene wouldn't mind sitting in with her on the meetings that couldn't be cancel. Everything else, she managed to reschedule. I let her know that if that didn't work I would have my laptop and we could just Skype.

After that, I called Aurora's doctor. I explained what was going on and he told me that if her fever didn't break by tomorrow to bring her in.

I did one last check on both Taemin and RoRo, they were still fast asleep. It was cute how they were in totally different rooms but still slept the exact same way.

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