All In The Family

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Kikah's POV:

Irene and I were going through the photos I had copied for Taemin. I wanted to put a photo album together for him of all Aurora's old baby pictures. Some of these old photos carried hilarious memories. I stared at the picture of Aurora when she was about six months old. She was laughing hysterically at Key who looked like he was going to be sick. He had a spoon in his mouth and tears in his eyes.

Amber had convinced him to try a little of Aurora's butternut squash baby food. I had been having trouble getting her to eat it and they were trying to help me out.

And she thought that if Aurora saw one of us eat it, then she would feel more comfortable trying it. It was sound logic, so Key volunteered because RoRo loved him the most at the time. It probably would have worked too, had it not been for the fact that it tasted like boiled shit.

After that picture, I took another--not even a minute later. Of, Key picking up RoRo and them throwing away the butternut squash together.

After that, Key "insisted" that I started making her baby food myself. He had even bought me the machine to safely preserve it.

Smiling, I placed the copies of those pictures in the album.

I had also made copies of my baby shower and pictures of me throughout the stages of my pregnancy. I had even made copies of old photos of me and Taemin, together.

It was when I had placed the last photo in the book, of Aurora and I last Easter, that I realized I had no pictures with Taemin and our daughter, or us as a family.

"Oh, God! Look at this picture of Taemin and Jonghyun!" Laughed Irene. "Jong has a faux hawk and Taemin looks like a girl with all that hair. I swear, this is how Aurora will look in ten years, Kikah."

I looked at the picture and had to laugh. Somebody had put Taemin's hair in two pigtails and he looked pissed. While, Jong laughed his ass off. It really didn't help that Taemin was also wearing a kilt looking thing with leather pants underneath.

"Hey, Irene." I called, after I calmed down from laughing. I watched as she turned to me and inclined her head to let me know she was listening.

"I need to find a good photographer. RoRo and Tae don't have any pictures together. Also, I'm thinking about taking a family photo." I finished thoughtfully.

Nodding her head, she suggested. "Ask Amber or Key. Their actually really good photographers and it'll be easier to get RoRo to smile if the picture is taken by someone she knows. I don't think we need to bring up what happened Christmas gate 2016, do we?"

Shuddering, I shook my head. "Oh God, don't remind me of that!" I exclaimed. "That was one of the few times I have ever seen her throw a full-blown tantrum and toss a whole kiddie piano bench. I still don't know what happened or what photographer did to piss her off like that. How the hell do you even piss off a one and half year old?"

Irene just laughed and shook her head.

I sent a text to Amber, asking if she wouldn't mind taking family photos of us this weekend and of course she agreed.

The weekend came, and we met Amber at an old temple garden. It was beautiful.

 We took a ton of pictures to the point that it had officially become a photo shoot

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We took a ton of pictures to the point that it had officially become a photo shoot.

I don't know who posed and preened more, Aurora or her father. I don't know if it was because Taemin was there or because it was Amber who was the photographer, but my baby smiled brightly and didn't throw a bench. So, for me, that was a win and I couldn't be happier.

Afterwards, we all went out to dinner. Which almost turned into a prison knife fight over the last piece of meat. Another thing RoRo had inherited from Taemin, the love of all things meat. I'm glad he was the bigger person and let her have the last piece. I honestly believe she would've attacked him if he hadn't.

She had held that child safety spork like it was a shank and looked ready to strike if he would've reached into that plate.

'Maybe I should ask Key to talk to her about table manners.'

Amber dropped off our prints once they were developed and I placed them all in Taemin's album.

It looked amazing, but I still felt like something was missing. It dawned on me what it was and so I quickly placed a copy of Aurora's ultrasound underneath our family portrait.

It was from the day I had found out I was having a girl and Jonghyun had named her. I thought it was fitting to have it there.

"Hey, what's that?" Asked Taemin as he dried his hair with a towel. He had just gotten out of the shower and put on his pajama bottoms.

Smiling, I held out the album for him. "It's for you. I made copies of all of Aurora's, and some of ours, old pictures so you'd have them. Also, I put the ones we took over the weekend in here too." I grinned.

Taking it from my hand, he sat down on my bed and looked through it.

I sat down next to him and answered any question he had about some of them. Laughing as I retold the story of the Great Christmas battle of 2016 and why Aurora was raging tossing a kiddie bench in the photo.

"God, I knew she had your temper. This just confirms it." Laughed Taemin. "How in the hell was she able to throw that at one?"

"I guess she gets strength from her anger." I shrugged. Looking at me, he smiled and shook his head.

"I wonder where she got that from." Was his cheeky response.

"Probably your mother." I shot back, sticking out my tongue at him.

Laughing, he pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me. Giving me a soft kiss to my temple, he sighed. "I actually feel kind of bad. My baby was unfortunate enough to get my big head."

"Imagine having to push that out." I agreed. "At least she is growing into it now."

"Thank you." He began. Then gave me another kiss this time on my shoulder. "This is wonderful babe, but I don't think I need it any more. I was thinking maybe we should give this to my parents. They'd love all these pictures. Especially, the ones from my Lucifer days." He suggested.

"Oh, yeah." I smiled. "They would love these."

Then turning to face him, I raised an eyebrow. "Exactly what happened to all those pictures from that time, Taemin? I remember your mother had like a billion of them--of you with that long hair." I asked suspiciously.

"I burned them." He admitted laughing.

"All of them?" I asked trying to hold in my laughter.

"Yep. Every last ONE. I told everybody I was tired of being asked if I was a girl. The last straw was when Mijong saw the pictures and thought my mother had been lying about having a daughter. I hated my hair like that anyway." He laughed.

"God your so dramatic sometimes." I giggled.

I don't know who is worse him or Aurora.

They're both dramatic as hell sometimes, but I wouldn't have them any other way.

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