Something To Protect

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Kikah's POV:

I had pulled on my nightgown and had just began smoothing my favorite lotion over my body, when I spotted Taemin on the bed with a disgusted expression on his handsome face.

I watched as he stared at his phone and began to turn green. Quickly, he placed the phone down and ran past me to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I could hear him coughing as he emptied his stomach into the toilet.

Turning the handle, I opened the door to see him kneeling over the commode. One hand was placed near it's lever, while the other clutched his stomach.

After dry heaving a little, he flushed the toilet. Walking over to the sink I watched as he grabbed the mouthwash and rinsed his mouth, then brushed his teeth and then rinsed his mouth again.

I stared at him confused and worried. I had no idea what had brought this on, I just hoped he wasn't getting sick again.

Finally, he turned to face me. Walking up, he wrapped his arms around me tightly and buried his face into the space between my neck and shoulder. I ran my hands across his back in soothing circles as his body began to shake with the force of his sobs.

After a while he began to calm down, but I still held him close to me. Whatever had happened must have been something horrible, because it takes a lot to make my man cry. The thought of what it could be was enough to bring tears to my own eyes.

"Baby what's wrong?" I sniffled quietly.

Raising his head from my shoulder a little, he murmured. "She cooked him. That bitch cut him up and cooked him in a stew. I could hear his death screams. I saw as his blood covered my cutting board."

'What in the actual fuck?'

Lifting his head so that he was looking at me, I asked alarmed. "Tae, baby who are you talking about? Did someone get murdered?"

Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair and uttered. "Franklin." Letting me go, he walked around me and sat on the bed. I followed behind him and took a seat next to him and waited for him to elaborate.

I watched as he picked up his phone and debated with himself about something. I guess he must have came to a decision because he placed the phone back on the bed, facing it screen down.

Taking my hand in his, he brought it to his lips and placed a gentle kiss upon it. Then, brought his other hand up to my cheek and used his thumb to wipe away a stray tear that had found its way past my attempts to keep them at bay.

"Kikah, I don't think it's safe for you and Aurora to be in Seoul right now." He stated softly. "NaEun has lost her fucking mind. She sent me a video of her killing Franklin, the turtle I was going to give RoRo. Baby, she killed him in the worst way possible."

Shaking his head, he pulled me close. I reached for his phone, wanting to see for myself what this depraved bitch had done, but Taemin lightly pulled my hands away.

"I don't want you watching that video." He sternly commanded. Then ran his hand through my hair before resting it against my waist. "I'm taking you guys to my parent's house. I want you both to stay there for a while."

I started to protest but he cut me off. Stressing. "Kikah, I need for you to be somewhere safe."

Kissing my forehead, he pleaded softly. "The only place I can think of right now is at my parent's. Baby, just please do this for me. Just this once--okay? I promise as soon as it's safe I'll bring you back. I just--I need to protect you guys. I have to keep you safe."

Parental Discretion AdvisedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora